Monday, December 29, 2014


We, the unclean, are not just washed; we are in the Holy One 
forever. We, the rebellious, are not just pardoned; we are in the 
King forever. We, the sad, are not just encouraged; we are in the 
Blessed One forever. We, the defeated, are not just empowered; 
we are in the Victor forever. We, the confused, are not just 
instructed; we are in the Sage forever. This is radical 
reconciliation, full provision, an astounding advantage. This is 
how the Jesus who lived 2000 years ago becomes our living 
Friend and Power today - union with Christ. God announces to us 
that He has relocated us in His universe of grace. We are no 
longer outside Christ, and now not just before Christ or near 
Christ or beneath Christ, but in Christ. Let’s inhale deeply from 
this new environment.  Lewis Smedes, Union with Christ, 
Eerdmans, www.eerdmans, 1970, p. xi.
“So rid yourselves of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all 
slander. Like newborn infants, desire the pure spiritual milk, so 
that you may grow by it for your salvation, since you have 
tasted that the Lord is good. Coming to Him, a living 
stone — rejected by men but chosen and valuable to God — 
you yourselves, as living stones, are being built into a spiritual 
house for a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable 
to God through Jesus Christ. ” 1 Peter 2:1-5 HCSB
Who We are D Myles
Remember who we are 
Pulled us out of darkness
Set above the stars 
Remember who we are
Remember who we are 
Pulled us out of darkness
Set above the stars
Remember who we are
Some of us may have forgotten
Talking like we ain’t got him
Saved us out of Sodom and Gomorrah
Pulled us out of that horror
Distorted and now were sorted
Separated for the maker
He changed us all
for His glory 
So let me talk slowly
articulating His story the Christ
He came and died for the joy
set before him gave his life
for his enemies 
While not being a friend of me
Dying on the cross
Looking like this
the end of me 
You remember that we was brought
displaying how much it cost
suffering for the lost 
Suffering for the searching
while we was lost living life in
the grave
In our place for His Innocence in exchange
What is it we get?
Swear that you wouldn’t do all the things
that you shouldn’t You can stop with the swearing
Your weakness Yeah They’re your good for all your sin
and your failures mistakes weakness He wasn’t refusing
you selfie that look up on your face 
Remember who we are 
Pulled us out of darkness
Set above the stars 
Remember who we are
Remember who we are 
Pulled us out of darkness
Set above the stars
Born on Pearl Harbor Daddy named me 
Black Warrior so I’m guessing I’m supposed 
to be harder using these shoulder pads 
as a claim to fame But if you met me in person
You’ll notice the introvertedness trying to find
the meaning of life so determined my conscious telling me
this material isn’t worth it Opening these books 
on universalism cus the holy water just wasn’t working
Till he gave me revelation when He opened them curtains
looking up the religion of Madonna thats the Kabala
Did a project on Malcom Checked out Muhammad
Till I got enlightened by the King priest, prophet 
understood my life my problems He told me if I gained 
the whole world I wouldn’t profit He told me if I
gained the whole world I wouldn’t profit showed me
who I was Showed me who I was meant to be me
A royal priesthood destined for that eternity that’s who I am
I keep on fighting that struggle to know just who I am 
I keep pushing because I know that you got the plan
When I get to to my lowest I know it’s you that can 
and when I am weak your strong I know that I can stand
Oh Oh Oh Oh 
Remember who we are pulled us out of darkness
Set above the stars remember who we are
Remember who we are Pulled us out of darkness
Set above the stars remember who we are
As you came to him, a living stone rejected by men
but in the sight of God chosen and precious you yourselves like
living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a
holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God
Through Jesus Christ.
Sentence Prayer
Lord, with your coming, our lives have a greater demand placed 
upon them. Help us learn the art of active, consistent service 
while maintaining enough silent space to hear your call. Amen

(Common Prayer A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals pg 80)

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