Saturday, August 17, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For August 17th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 8-17

Memory Verse: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called Ephesians 4:4

Watch:  Power by We are Messengers

2 Timothy 2:14-19

How do these verses connect to the guarantee of the Holy Spirit?

Those who belong to God do what, verse 19?


Lord, I pray you would move the Spirit more boldly in my life. I know that any sin can grieve and diminish the voice of the Spirit, and I pray against the temptation to sin. Help me crave your presence more than I crave sin. Help me grow in the fruit of the Spirit and so walk closer with Yourself. I pray for guidance from your Spirit- let your will and promises always be a meditation of my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (

Friday, August 16, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For August 16th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 8-16

Memory Verse: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called Ephesians 4:4

Watch:  Power by We are Messengers

Ephesians 4:29-32

How do we grieve the Holy Spirit?

How do we please the Holy Spirit


Lord, I pray you would move the Spirit more boldly in my life. I know that any sin can grieve and diminish the voice of the Spirit, and I pray against the temptation to sin. Help me crave your presence more than I crave sin. Help me grow in the fruit of the Spirit and so walk closer with Yourself. I pray for guidance from your Spirit- let your will and promises always be a meditation of my heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For August 15th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 8-15

Memory Verse: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called Ephesians 4:4

Watch:  Power by We are Messengers

2 Timothy 1:6-14

Timothy was in a time of transition. He had been Paul’s bright young helper; soon he would be on his own as the leader of a church in a difficult environment. Although his responsibilities were changing, Timothy was not without help. He had everything he needed to face the future if he would hold on tightly to the Lord’s resources. When you are facing difficult transitions, follow Paul’s advice to Timothy and look back at your experience. Who is the foundation of your faith? How can you build on that foundation? What gifts has the Holy Spirit given you? Use the gifts you have been given.

Tyndale. Life Application Study Bible NIV (Kindle Locations 201297-201301). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Kindle Edition. 


Lord, we know that you often answer our prayers in mysterious and stunning ways. Make us sensitive to your Spirit that we might recognize your gentle nudge. And help us cultivate lives that are always ready to respond to your call. Form us into -people who are truly ready to become the change we want to see. Amen.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For August 14th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 8-14

Memory Verse: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called Ephesians 4:4

Watch:  Power by We are Messengers

Ephesians 1:11-14

Make a list of what we have inherited in Christ


Lord, we know that you often answer our prayers in mysterious and stunning ways. Make us sensitive to your Spirit that we might recognize your gentle nudge. And help us cultivate lives that are always ready to respond to your call. Form us into -people who are truly ready to become the change we want to see. Amen.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For August 13th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 8-13

Memory Verse: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called Ephesians 4:4

Read: “The Christian’s life in all its aspects—intellectual and ethical, devotional and relational, upsurging in worship and outgoing in witness—is supernatural; only the Spirit can initiate and sustain it. So apart from him, not only will there be no lively believers and no lively congregations, there will be no believers and no congregations at all.” – J. I. Packer

2 Corinthians 5:1-10

What is life like now for the follower of Jesus?

What does the Holy Spirit guarantee, that is to come?


Lord, train us to hear your voice. When it is time to grieve, help us to grieve. When it is time to rejoice, help us to rejoice. When we grow weary, be the strength in our weakness. And may your most beautiful and perfect will, not ours, be done. Amen.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For August 12th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 8-12

Memory Verse: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called Ephesians 4:4

Read: When we focus only on God’s Word, we dry up. 
When we focus only on God’s Spirit, we blow up. 
But when we focus both on God’s Word and God’s Spirit, 
we grow up

2 Corinthians 1:18-24

Paul mentions two gifts God gives when we are baptized into Christ: (1) a seal of ownership to show who our Master is, and (2) the Holy Spirit, who guarantees that we belong to God and will receive all his benefits. The Holy Spirit guarantees that salvation is ours now and that we will receive so much more when Christ returns. The great comfort and power the Holy Spirit gives in this life is a foretaste or down payment (“deposit”) of the benefits of our eternal life in God’s presence. With the privilege of belonging to God comes the responsibility of identifying ourselves as his faithful servants. Don’t be ashamed to let others know that you are his.


Lord, train us to hear your voice. When it is time to grieve, help us to grieve. When it is time to rejoice, help us to rejoice. When we grow weary, be the strength in our weakness. And may your most beautiful and perfect will, not ours, be done. Amen.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For August 11th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 8-11

Memory Verse: There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called Ephesians 4:4

Read: When we focus only on God’s Word, we dry up. 
When we focus only on God’s Spirit, we blow up. 
But when we focus both on God’s Word and God’s Spirit, 
we grow up

1 John 3


Lord, train us to hear your voice. When it is time to grieve, help us to grieve. When it is time to rejoice, help us to rejoice. When we grow weary, be the strength in our weakness. And may your most beautiful and perfect will, not ours, be done. Amen.