Saturday, June 22, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-22

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-22

Memory Verse: Instead, be filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18

Read: Ephesians 2:19-22

How many foundations does a building have?

Is "foundation" singular or plural?  What implications is this for Apostolic succession?  Who is the chief cornerstone Peter or someone else?  How might this be important to understanding Matthew 16:13-20


Holy Spirit, I have my own expectations about what I should and should not do. I now surrender to You my ideas, my limitations, my preferences, and my goals. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with all Your supernatural gifts! Empower me to accept and grow in the supernatural life as much as the early disciples did. I want to be useful to You. I want to go where You lead me. Holy Spirit, send me forth gifted and empowered to make a difference spreading the Good News of God’s forgiving love.

Come, Holy Spirit; renew me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-20

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-20

Memory Verse: Instead, be filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18

Read: Acts 12:1-18 a

Was their a successor to the Apostle James?

Was their any favoritism between Peter and any other Apostle?


Holy Spirit, I have my own expectations about what I should and should not do. I now surrender to You my ideas, my limitations, my preferences, and my goals. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with all Your supernatural gifts! Empower me to accept and grow in the supernatural life as much as the early disciples did. I want to be useful to You. I want to go where You lead me. Holy Spirit, send me forth gifted and empowered to make a difference spreading the Good News of God’s forgiving love.

Come, Holy Spirit; renew me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-19

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-19

Memory Verse: Instead, be filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18

Read: Acts 1:12-26
What decision did the 11 disciples make?
What was necessary for them to be an apostle? (21,22)
Is it physically possible for the requirement to be met today?


Holy Spirit, I have my own expectations about what I should and should not do. I now surrender to You my ideas, my limitations, my preferences, and my goals. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with all Your supernatural gifts! Empower me to accept and grow in the supernatural life as much as the early disciples did. I want to be useful to You. I want to go where You lead me. Holy Spirit, send me forth gifted and empowered to make a difference spreading the Good News of God’s forgiving love.

Come, Holy Spirit; renew me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-18

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-18

Memory Verse: Instead, be filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18

Read: Matthew 16:13-20

What was the task of Apostle Peter and all the Apostles? (VRS 19)
What are the keys for?  What Keys did the apostles use?
Acts 2:38,39 What key was used?
Acts 10:47,48  What door was opened?
Acts 15:5,6 What door was closed?


Holy Spirit, I have my own expectations about what I should and should not do. I now surrender to You my ideas, my limitations, my preferences, and my goals. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with all Your supernatural gifts! Empower me to accept and grow in the supernatural life as much as the early disciples did. I want to be useful to You. I want to go where You lead me. Holy Spirit, send me forth gifted and empowered to make a difference spreading the Good News of God’s forgiving love.

Come, Holy Spirit; renew me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-17

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-17

Memory Verse: Instead, be filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18

The doctrine of apostolic succession is the belief that the 12 apostles passed on their authority to successors, who then passed the apostolic authority on to their successors, continuing throughout the centuries, even unto today. The Roman Catholic Church sees Peter as the leader of the apostles, with the greatest authority, and therefore his successors carry on the greatest authority. The Roman Catholic Church combines this belief with the concept that Peter later became the first bishop of Rome, and that the Roman bishops that followed Peter were accepted by the early church as the central authority among all of the churches. Apostolic succession, combined with Peter’s supremacy among the apostles, results in the Roman bishop being the supreme authority of the Catholic Church – the Pope.

Monday, June 17: Read Matthew 16:13-20

What rock is the church built on?  Peter? or is the Rock, the truth Jesus is the Messiah, Son of the Living God?  In the chapter what evidence do you find to support your answer?


Holy Spirit, I have my own expectations about what I should and should not do. I now surrender to You my ideas, my limitations, my preferences, and my goals. Fill me, Holy Spirit, with all Your supernatural gifts! Empower me to accept and grow in the supernatural life as much as the early disciples did. I want to be useful to You. I want to go where You lead me. Holy Spirit, send me forth gifted and empowered to make a difference spreading the Good News of God’s forgiving love. Come, Holy Spirit; renew me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-15

Daily Dose of God's Word For 6-15

Memory Verse: Instead, be filled with the Spirit Ephesians 5:18

Read Acts 8:5-13 – Philip could do miracles, but could not pass on 

this gift to others.  In verse 14, apostles came down to lay on 


In verse 18, this is stated specifically (“through the apostles’ 

hands.)  Simon tried to buy this ability from apostles (but not 

from Philip, although he could do the miracles).


Come Holy Spirit,
Come on the soft steps of a child.
Come Holy Spirit,
Come on the gentle breeze.
Speak to me Holy Spirit,
Speak to me in the rustling leaves.
Speak to me Holy Spirit,
Speak to me in the rushing stream.
Move me Holy Spirit,
Move me like the harp strings playing.
Move me Holy Spirit,
Move me like the caroling wren.
Change me Holy Spirit,
Change my heart and make me live.
Change me Holy Spirit,
Change me so I do your will.

Amen          Prayer by Beth Maxwell Boyle