Saturday, August 7, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 7

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 3-4 Psalms 26

Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark. Rabindranath Tagore

Creator of the Universe, thank you for your dazzling imagination. Set a fire inside us that burns with your love. Help us to shine as you shine, so that -people might not see us but see you shining through us. Amen.  (

Friday, August 6, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 6

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 2- Psalms 25

My parent's generation did pretty well sucking it up, ignoring pain, and compartmentalizing all their relational hurts and pains.  They had other priorities and no tools.  I am grateful for how they did it and can appreciate what it must have been like for them.  But we no longer live in a time where we lack solutions to our most pressing relational problems.  Solutions are everywhere and we have access to every relationship tool imaginable.  So to keep stuffing our pain and pretending there is no way forward is a dodge.  There is always a way forward and through whatever you are going through. Jayson Gaddis

Mighty God, continue to pour out Your Spirit on all.  May our sons and daughters forthrightly live and speak God's love for all.  May all Your servants be empowered to foretell of Your coming to save all and smash all enemies.  Come, Lord Jesus!  Turn bright lights to darkness is that is what it takes for us to see Your salvation.  May blood flow to cover the moon, if that's needed to restore Your kingdom! Praise be to God, for all who call on Jesus, will be saved! (REM)

Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 5

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 1- Psalms 24

Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles. Dostoievski

Our Gracious God,

Teach us to trust in You, speak with You, confess to You, and listen for You in all matters so that in times of testing, our faith is helped by the evidence of Your daily care and provision. In the name of Christ, amen.  (Adah Hutchcraft)

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 4

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Catch-up day, Psalms 23

One day, historians will tell the story of the church in this era of pandemic and racial strife. My prayer is that they find in the rubble of these years of suffering a people who bore testimony to the King who never lost sight of those most in need.  Esau McCaulley

God, just as You have been an encouragement to me, please help me to encourage others. Show me how to approach all my relationships with Your love, grace, and compassion. As I draw near to You, shape me into someone who eagerly supports others. Make me aware of the opportunities I have to daily demonstrate Your sacrificial love.  In Jesus' name, Amen. (New Dawn@olumideki)

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 3

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Catch-up day, Psalms 22

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. ― Aristotle

-Jesus, it is enough to tell others of your works of mercy, of your resurrection, of your imminent return. It is enough to praise you in the sanctuary, to kneel before you, to wait in silence for you. Lord, it is enough to be named as one of your children, to be bound in eternal love and freedom to give up our lives for you. Amen. (

Monday, August 2, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 2

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

John 21, Psalms 21

"Your Kingdom come, Your will be done” is prayed as a passive prayer so often (like we are saying, “I hope you do something good if you want to”), but I believe it’s meant to be an active surrendering of my kingdom and will to His. It is an act of being conquered, joyfully conquered because I have made a mess of my Kingdom and my free will makes a mess of me. Surrender is not a loss of Freedom, it IS freedom - freedom to trust and enjoy the unending goodness of God and know that when I walk into a room, I can walk in with confidence that nothing matters except honoring the one who conquered death to buy my freedom. Kent Wagner.

 Almighty, thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (The Perfect Prayer)

Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Daily Dose of God September1

Memory Verse; You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. Romans 6:18

Romans 9:1-29 Psalms 51

“Superficiality is one of the greatest reasons men have lost their warrior spirit, or have become warriors in the wrong cause. We simply cannot be warriors for God unless he has our whole heart, unless he is our first and greatest love. More than our career, our wife, our children, and yes, even our own selves, God must be the greatest passion in life.” Excerpt From: Sam Laing. “Warrior—A Call to Every Man Everywhere.” iBooks. 

Lord, help us not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Give us a new imagination so that we might live in ways that do not compute to the logic of materialism and militarism. Make us into holy nonconformists so that we might see the kingdoms of this world transformed into your glorious kingdom. Amen  (

The Daily Dose of God August1

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

John 20, Psalms 20

Though I root for the USA in the Olympics, it is also marvelous to take joy in the victories of God's image-bearers from all over the world, especially those from little-known countries. We also mourn with them in their defeats. "And I think to myself, what a wonderful world." Tammie Davis Weatherly

Jesus, oh how we dwell on Your Word.  We dwell on the assurance that all things we hear and see, we belong to Your Truth, and with Your Truth revealed to us by Your Spirit, we remain focused on this!  You are GOD!  We belong to You!!! (Prayers cross)