Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 14

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 14-16:5 Psalms 33

[Repentance] is not a merely intellectual change of mind or mere grief, still less doing penance, but a radical transformation of the entire person, a fundamental turnaround involving mind and action and including overtones of grief, which result in [spiritual] fruit. D.A. Carson

Lord, we know that you often answer our prayers in mysterious and stunning ways. Make us sensitive to your Spirit that we might recognize your gentle nudge. And help us cultivate lives that are always ready to respond to your call. Form us into -people who are truly ready to become the change we want to see. Amen.  (

Friday, August 13, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 13

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 12:25-13 Psalms 32

At some thoughts, one stands perplexed, above all at the sight of human sin, and wonders whether to combat it by force or by humble love. Always decide ‘I will combat it by humble love.’ If you resolve on that once and for all, you can conquer the whole world. Loving humility is a terrible force: it is the strongest of all things, and there is nothing else like it. Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s

God of love and Prince of Peace, give us courage in the face of trouble. Walk with us and give us a power that is not like that of chariots or armies. Arm us with grace. Make our tongues sharp with truth. Walk with us amid the principalities and powers of this dark world. Amen. (

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 12

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 11-12:24 Psalms 31

Because if we believed God’s creation had value simply by being created, we wouldn’t do this to each other or to ourselves. And people said she let her country down, let her teammates down, let them down. They said it believing that they themselves were only the money in their bank accounts and the number of followers on their social media accounts that they tracked in their sleep and worshiped when they woke up in the morning.(fbclid=IwAR1BGX7Hls5kiYS46IAS1bc7rqbcRa7Q82ouUekkuYILLh3IWkLg45IxCeg)

Gracious Father,  We cannot force forgiveness or repentance in others. This is the work of Your Spirit within the willing soul, and He is able to cleanse and heal. You call us to this wholeness and humility and to follow the One who died for us. Where needed, impart understanding and conviction which produces sincere change. Give us Christ's love which is not easily offended, but that is also not rude, easily angered or unkind. May we turn from all bitterness and harsh words, which fuel animosity. Christ is not divided. Guide us into love so we do not sin against each other. Restore the wounded. Comfort those who have been wrongfully treated. Whether we have offended been offended, may we listen to Your word and let the Spirit do His work. And if we see any struggling, may we humbly intercede for them in tender, fervent prayer. In the Name of Christ, amen. (AdahHutchcraft)

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 11

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 9:32-10 Psalms 30

She chose to believe she had intrinsic value, something all human beings have by virtue of creation by a good God — a God millions of us claim to believe in, but so few of us act like we believe is actually real.(fbclid=IwAR1BGX7Hls5kiYS46IAS1bc7rqbcRa7Q82ouUekkuYILLh3IWkLg45IxCeg)

Lord, we take comfort in knowing that you have shared in our trials. You know pain and betrayal, and you are familiar with suffering. Strengthen us in hard times and remind us that you have overcome the evil of this world. Amen. (

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 10

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 8-9:31 Psalms 29

She cradled her head in her hands and chose her life. Her life. Her family’s love held her tight. She chose to believe that she herself was worth more than gold. In that decision, in that moment, she was alone. But the coaches who came after the whirlwind believed it, too, and so did her teammates. And so did Naomi Osaka and Maya Moore and Colin Kaepernick and Malcolm Jenkins. (fbclid=IwAR1BGX7Hls5kiYS46IAS1bc7rqbcRa7Q82ouUekkuYILLh3IWkLg45IxCeg)

 Sovereign Lord, forgive us for choosing violence instead of grace. Give us the courage to trust that the cross is more powerful than the sword. We thank you for the assurance that, in the end, love wins. Help us to live without fear in the light of your promise. Amen. (

Monday, August 9, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 9

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 6:8-7:60 Psalms 28

This is for you: for all of us who have watched as our bodies and our minds and our very being were commodified by the people in power, and even as we gained influence and strength, we knew our value hinged only upon what we might do, how we might produce, all the while knowing that a physical or mental collapse could hasten our own destruction. So we keep going. (fbclid=IwAR1BGX7Hls5kiYS46IAS1bc7rqbcRa7Q82ouUekkuYILLh3IWkLg45IxCeg)

Lord, train us to hear your voice. When it is time to grieve, help us to grieve. When it is time to rejoice, help us to rejoice. When we grow weary, be the strength in our weakness. And may your most beautiful and perfect will, not ours, be done. Amen. (

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 8

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 5-6:7 Psalms 27

The things you dwell on will shape who you become. Fill your soul with stories of bravery, experiences of beauty, reminders of all that is good and precious in the world. Be so attuned to goodness that you immediately recognize injustice and evil, and know it's not inevitable.  Joy Marie Clarkson @joynessthebrave

Jesus, oh how grateful we are for flooding our beings with Your Love that overflows!!!  May we never cease in praising You for giving us the Mighty Love of our Father, our GOD!!!  Amen.  (Prayerscross)