Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Big Day

Yesterday was a big day for me and my son who turned 18. How is that possible. It was fun listening to him banter with Aunt Michelle how he was now a man! To think we have traveled together for 18 years and now we are beginning to see the possibilities of what God is building in his life!

Then this morning I read from my Sacred Space;

The Old Testament tradition was not exactly child-centred: "The stick and the reprimand bestow wisdom… Correct your son and he will delight your soul." (Proverbs 29) The Gospels (Matthew 18, 1-10; Mk 9, 35-37) give us a precious glimpse of how Jesus related to children. He gave them time, and touch, and urged the disciples: "Change, and become like little children." Why is theirs the kingdom of heaven? Perhaps because of their sense of wonder, their readiness to be unnoticed, their acceptance of dependence on those who love them. They know what it is to be told off, corrected, punished - and mostly take it in their stride. They are constantly challenged in learning, ready to tackle more new things; they know they have a future and look forward to it. Thank God for children.

Truly Thank God For Children!

Be God's

Roger Miller