Sunday, November 2, 2014


The Right & Responsibility to Vote
Proverbs 29:2

In 1938 the name Boston Curtis appeared on the ballot for 

Republican Committeeman from Milton, Washington. 

Actually, Boston Curtis was a donkey. The town’s mayor 

sponsored the animal to demonstrate that people know very 

little about the candidates...... .He proved his point. The mule 


It’s sad but true Americans know very little about their 

government ... constitution, the freedoms & rights we enjoy 

& those elected to office! 

Let me remind you: -We live in a Republic...that is governed 

by the consent of the people! -We are a Democracy...we have 

a voice & a vote to chose! -We have a constitution which is 

the law of the land! (explain difference between republic and 


-We don’t live under Monarchy! -We are not Anarchy! -We 

aren’t Communists or Socialist! 

When it comes to our country...our government...& The 

elections... -What we are.... I’m Apathist......Many 

just don’t care! -Many are Indifferent & Passive! They don’t 

want to get involved. -Many are ignorant! They don’t know & 

don’t want to know the issues. 

My friend you need to understand something! Legislators.... 

Legislation.... Politicians ... Politics ... Democrats ... 

Republicans even Independents offer little change as it 

relates to the vast number of issues that face this nation! 

The only Real & Genuine change comes from the heart & its 

God alone who can change a heart for he holds the hearts of 

men in His hand! Scripture says...

Romans 13:1“Everyone must submit to the governing 

authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and 

those that exist are instituted by God.”

Proverbs 21:1“A king's heart is like streams of water in 

the Lord's hand He directs it wherever He chooses. ”

Psalm 47:8, 9 “God reigns over the nations;

God is seated on His holy throne. The nobles of the peoples 

have assembled with the people of the God of Abraham. 

For the leaders of the earth belong to God;  He is greatly 

exalted. ”

Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous flourish, the people 

rejoice,but when the wicked rule, people groan. ”

Scripture has much to say about our involvement in Politics: 

“Politics” ~ The affairs of government...politicians....& 

political parties.

-Christians are to be peaceful & law abiding citizens. Romans 

13:1-7 -We are to pray for & honor our government leaders. 1 

Timothy 2:1-3 

-We are to pay our taxes. Matthew 22:21 

-We are to work for the highest good of all people. 

Proverbs 3:27 

-Jesus’ call for His people to be salt & light to a dying 

world...that includes those who govern us & the decision 

they make that involve us! Matthew 5:13-14 

-We are to submit to those who govern us. 1 Peter 2:13-15

-We are to promote Godly principles in politics and 


Pr 29:2 When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. 

But when the wicked are in power, they groan.

My friend, the people of God must be informed & involved in 

our government....& in the process of electing those who 

govern us! Plato has said; The penalty that good men pay for 

not being interested in politics is to be governed by men 

worse than themselves. 

This morning I want to give some things to consider as you 

get informed & involved in Politics & the election that is just 

days away!

1. You have been given the Right to vote: Psalm 33:12 

“ Happy is the nation whose God is •Yahweh —

the people He has chosen to be His own possession! ”

Again, this is a democracy! You have a voice...You have a 

vote! Use It!

-You’re an American! -Born in the land of the brave & home 

of the free! -Thousands before us have bled & die for the 

rights & freedoms we enjoy! -

You live in the land of pies & 


You have the right to vote...take it & make it count for good!

When it comes to a showdown, Washington must never forget 

who rules ------ the people. ~Will Rogers 

You have the opportunity to be heard through your 

elect those who embrace the things of God! 

2. You have the Responsibility to vote: Romans 13:1

For there is no authority except from God, and the 

authorities that exist are appointed by God

As a citizen of this great nation...& a child of God you 

have the responsibility to get involved! 

Your involvement ... -Makes a difference! -It has an impact! -

Brings about change that is Godly & good!

There’re plenty of examples in scripture where God’s people 

got involved in politics! 

“Politics” ~ The affairs of government...politicians....& 

political parties. 

For example:

-Genesis 41:39-41 Pharaoh gave Joseph political control of 

all Egypt.

-Exodus 5:2-4 Moses went before Pharaoh as God’s 

ambassador asking for the freedom of God’s people.

-Samuel 3 Samuel the prophet & judge choose Saul as 

Israel’s king. 

-Esther 1 Esther the queen saved the whole Jewish nation 

from execution.

-Daniel 1 Daniel served in the king’s court, while obeying 


-And of course there was Jesus who was one for the most 

divisive figure in history religiously....socially...& politically!

As Americans & as Christians we have a responsibility to 


We also have the responsibility to pray & support our 


Jeremiah 29:4-7 was written during a time the nation of 

Israel was in captivity and bondage!

This is what the Lord of •Hosts, the God of Israel, says to 

all the exiles I deported from Jerusalem to Babylon: 

“Build houses and live in them. Plant gardens and eat 

their produce. Take wives and have sons and daughters. 

Take wives for your sons and give your daughters to men 

in marriage so that they may bear sons and daughters. 

Multiply there; do not decrease. Seek the welfare of the 

city I have deported you to. Pray to the Lord on its 

behalf, for when it has prosperity, you will 

prosper.”  Does America need our prayer?  Does America 

need the righteous to prosper?

Look you have a right to vote...then when all is said & done if 

your man or party doesn’t win you have a responsibility to 

pray & support that man for as he goes the 

nation ...& goes you & your family

3. You have a Reason to vote

Proverbs 29:2 “When the righteous flourish, the people 

rejoice, but when the wicked rule, people groan. ” HCSB

The reason we are to vote is for righteousness to flourish.  

The reason to vote is dethrone the wicked’s rule!

Proverbs 29:2 also reminds us; we are Christians 

first....Americans second! As followers of Christ-our first 

concern must always be his righteousness and His kingdom!

As a Christian we live under a Theocracy ~ in other words 

we are subject to divine authority! King of Kings and Lord of 

Lords- Jesus is our ruler! We answer to God first! As citizens 

of the United States of America it must become about His 


As Americans...we live under a republic driven by a system 

of representation...we have a say & vote in government. 

Therefore, we should seek to elect those 

whose beliefs ....morals...& values best line up w/ the word of 

God! -It’s not about party...personality....or promises! -It’s 

about character ... integrity....truthfulness & uprightness! 

It’s about seeking his righteousness! The key difference 

between a democracy and a republic lies in the limits placed 

on government by the law, which has implications on 

minority rights. Both forms of government use a 

representational system where citizens vote to elect 

politicians to represent their interests and form the 

government. However, in a republic, a constitution or 

charter of rights protects certain inalienable rights that 

cannot be taken away by the government, even if it has been 

elected by a majority of voters. In a pure democracy, the 

majority is not restrained and can impose its will on the 


The reason this was done by our revolutionary fathers is; 

History’s most efficient genocide occurred about 20 years 

ago, with as many as 1 million people systematically 

murdered in less than 100 days.  Rwanda was a democracy 

And the Hutu, outnumbered the Tutsi.  So they simply voted 

to do away with the Tutsi. That is a vast oversimplification, 

but a reasonable conclusion.  It is why Reinhold Nebur wrote; 

Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but 

man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.  

(Reinhold Niebuhr Interview with Reinhold in McCalls 

February 1966)  The Founders gave us unalienable right to 

ensure justice and righteousness were our foundation!

The reason we vote is to bring about an atmosphere & 

environment in this nation that honors God & draws us 

closer to Him!

However, the mindset seems to be....I’ll vote for the one who 

honors me & draws me closer to the things I want in life!

The Preamble of the Constitution says... We the people of the 

United States, in order to form a more perfect union, 

establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the 

common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure 

the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do 

ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of 


I said that to say this... -It’s not the government’s 

responsibility to provide you a job! -It’s not the government’s 

duty to provide you healthcare! -The government is not 

obligated to give you prescriptions drugs. -Or a 

education...nor a retirement check! Do you realize, 

though, that most of us get back up to three times what we 

paid in Social Security ? And it is our selfish sense of 

entitlement will ruin America much faster than foreign aid, 

subsidies for NPR, or foreign wars ever will.  (John Stossel 

No They Can’t page 283)

This entitlement mindset that the government owes us 

something is communism & socialism & not the 

democracy & capitalism on which this nation was built!

The government job is to stay out of your life & allow you to 

work hard & reach for what ever star you so 


In other words the less government the better!!! The less 

government the more freedom and fun for all! As a Christian 

your vote should enlarge the kingdom of God & not the 

kingdom of self!!  When we vote for self the quote by Will 

Rogers is becomes truth- The promising season ends on 

Election Day. That same night, the alibi season begins and 

lasts for the next four years. ~ Will Rogers

Conclusion: As we approach November the 4th election day 

2014.... The name-calling & back-biting will get worse...the 

accusations & lie will on intensify & the promise will only get 


So how does one navigate through all the rhetoric?

It’s really simple...remember who you are! Remember who’s 

you are! 

You are a child of God who has been given a  

Right...Responsibility...&...Reason to vote in such a way that 

it honors God & enlarges the kingdom of God! 

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be 
expected…It must spring up amongst us. It cannot come 
from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves 
be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must 
live through all time, or die by suicide.” Abraham Lincoln
There is 100 Million evangelical Christians today.  Only 55 Million 
register to vote.  And only 25 million vote.  That is why we are 
committing suicide.
Remember Psalm 33:12 “ Happy is the nation whose God
is •Yahweh —the people He has chosen to be His own possession. 
The only way we return to being God’s nation if men and women 
of God vote! If you have missed my point- I apologize -here it is; 

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