Friday, August 20, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 20

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 25-26 Psalms 39

When I grow up, I'm gonna look up from my phone and see my life.  Phoebe Bridgers

Father in Heaven, though all else forsake, You are faithful. Give us such love that is constrained to hold to You, whatever happens.  We will wait for when we do understand and when we do see. Until then, we cling to You and remain anchored by the hope that is eternal. People turn against us, still, You are faithful. Christ Himself knew the betrayal of friends, and  He was faithful: He helps us now. When those we love die and we feel alone, still You are faithful. You come to our aid and remain our tender and strong Provider. Even when our bodies turn against us, still You are faithful.  Though we lose all we love in this life, You remain faithful. Truly we must lose our lives to gain life. So strengthen the grip of our faith, because You are worthy and You keep all Your promises. In the Name of Christ, we pray, amen. (Adah Hutchcraft)

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