Friday, April 19, 2019


Memorize: Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24:5,6

Joseph         Jesus
Genesis 37:18                         Matthew 27:1

Similarities and differences?

Imago dei, is why we crave belonging and fear rejection.   Hannah 

Anderson in the book "Made for more" explains it this way:" 

When God created us in His image, He established a relationship 

with us that the rest of creation does not share....Apart from 

Him, you cannot be fully human, apart from Him, you cannot be 

fully yourself. . . In order to know yourself and exist as you were 

meant to exist, you must live in dependent communion with Him 

and be in a loving relationship with others.  Our gut knows we were 

made to belong, first to our Creator, and then to the men and 

women who share planet earth.  Yet, we have a problem, the 

curse of sin has un-plugged us from our God.   The source of our 

worth and the cause of our rejection.  

So, if you do not talk about-(Pause) SIN, bitterness, curse, or that 

we are children of God-then practicing shame resilience is like 

playing music on the Titanic.  It may help you to feel better 

temporarily, but the ship is still sinking, and we still need 


And the only one can rescue us from sin and bitterness-Jesus!

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