Sunday, December 18, 2016

Finding the Messiah in Leviticus December 18

Finding the Messiah in Leviticus December 18
Leviticus 22:17-33

Romans 6:23 tells us that the price that must be paid for sin has always been death. Beginning with the coat of skin that God made for Adam and Eve in the garden, some animal had to die so that their nakedness (sin) could be covered.

In Leviticus God gives Moses the specific instructions for:
The Passover Lamb
The Lamb of Atonement
The Sin Offering
The Oblation of Vows
The Thanksgiving Offering
The Freewill Offering
The Peace Offering
The Trespass Offering
The Cleansing of Lepers
The Wave Offering
The Purification of the Unclean
The First Fruits Offering
The Offerings of Appointed Feasts
All Burnt Offerings
...all of the following had one common denominator. Regardless of which animal was to be sacrificed it was to be spotless, without blemish.

Webster describes a blemish as:
1. A mark that mars the appearance, as a stain, spot, scar, etc.
2. Any flaw, defect, or shortcoming
Without a doubt all of humanity is blemished. We have our scars, our flaws, our defects, our shortcomings.

Only one could take away the sin of Mankind; God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 This day of advent be a day of confessing your sins, leaving them behind and thanking the Messiah for His sacrifice.

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