Friday, December 9, 2016

Finding the Messiah in Leviticus December 9

Finding the Messiah in Leviticus December 9
Leviticus 18:1-18

“Though it is popular today to tolerate or even encourage homosexuality, the Bible is clearly opposed to any form of homosexual practice.  Our society does not permit kleptomaniacs to indulge their tendencies by going about taking from others anything they please.  Whether these individuals are born with kleptomaniac tendencies, or they have acquired it as a disease of the mind, is not relevant to the issue.  Neither is an acceptable excuse or cause to give expression to the antisocial desire to steal. 

A normal sex drive gives rise to desires which we learn to control and repress in the interest of social harmony.  Most of us, men and women, whether heterosexual or otherwise, manage to avoid committing sexual crimes such as rape.  Some heterosexuals choose to remain single rather than marry.  A good proportion of those who are married manage to obey God and avoid giving social offense by not committing adultery.

Perhaps those homosexuals who wish to observe Biblical principles could manage to similarly control their urges and abstain from sexual activity that God says displeases him.  Theft is prohibited in thought ('Thou shalt not covet') as well as in deed. 

Excerpt From: John Turner. “Lessons from Leviticus.” iBooks.

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