Thursday, December 6, 2018

Evergreen Devotions 4, December 6 2018

At Bible Study we read; We have found this man (Paul) to be a troublemaker, stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world. He is a ringleader of the Nazarene sect 6 and even tried to desecrate the temple; so we seized him.  Acts 25:5,6

Why the name Nazarenes?  The name Nazarene was apparently applied to them by some in the community, and that name wasn’t looked upon with respect or honor.

Its origin comes from the town of Nazareth, where Jesus grew up. It was in the territory of Galilee, and many people in that society had the bigoted idea that Nathanael expressed in John 1:46: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Before His ministry, Jesus lived there along with His parents, and He was called a Nazarene as the prophets had foretold (see Matthew 2:23).

Barnes’ Notes on the Bible says this about Nazareth: “The character of the people of Nazareth was such that they were proverbially despised … John 1:46. To come from Nazareth, therefore, or to be a Nazarene, was the same as to be despised, or to be esteemed of low birth; to be a root out of dry ground, having no form or comeliness. This was what had been predicted by all the prophets. When Matthew says, therefore, that the prophecies were ‘fulfilled,’ his meaning is, that the predictions of the prophets that he would be of a low and despised condition, and would be rejected, were fully accomplished in his being an inhabitant of Nazareth, and despised as such” (comments on Matthew 2:23).

Vincent’s Word Studies says, “The very name of Nazareth suggested insignificance. In Hebrew it meant sprout or shoot. The name is prophetically given to the Messiah (Isaiah 11:1).”

Based on the Hebrew word netzer, the Nazarenes were also referred to as the “Branchites,” or followers of the One they believed to be the Branch—Jesus Christ.

Our hope is not because of our greatness, but the greatness of our God.  Advent is a time we long for God's rule and the end to mankinds folly.  We have hope because we are an insignificant sprout, therefore we trust the One who grows shade trees out of rotting wood!

What are you trusting besides God, today?  Perfectionism?  Political solutions?  Your Control?  Your money?

How do we find hope in hopelessness?  How do we find life in death?
How do we find serenity, in sheer madness?

Worship God with our questions.  When Jesus went outside, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to oppose him fiercely and to besiege him with questions, Luke 11:53  The teachers of the law opposed God with their questions.  But I believe Job is an example we can also Worship God with our queries.    Most events that appear hopeless are not, but they sure are puzzling and discouraging!  God knows this, worship Him by vocalizing your doubts, in the darkness, and yet pray for the strength to trust.  

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