Sunday, June 23, 2013



Holy Spirit 18

1 Corinthians 10

Teacher’s notes

Hook:  Water Filters

When you're wading in a cool mountain stream, and you can see your to­es in the sand, you assume the water's safe to drink. But even water that looks perfectly clear may harbor a variety of bacteria, parasites and protozoa that can make you very ill. You can't tell from smelling or taking a small taste whether water is safe to drink. Even water from spigots in campgrounds may not be. When you're camping, unless there's a sign that specifically states that water is safe to drink, you should take precaution and treat it.
Portable water filters are probably the easiest and safest way to treat water for drinking. There are many choices in water filters. The least expensive may cost less than $20, while more expensive filters can cost several hundred. For the average user, it's possible to find a perfectly functional water filter for less than $100.
You should expect water from different areas to have its own unique flavor, but the process of filtering the water doesn't make it taste fun­ny. Water filters work by capturing the microscopic life that lives in abundance in freshwater.
The consequences of drinking untreated water can be severe. Water that tastes fine can contain bacteria, parasites and protozoa that cause nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fatigue and vomiting. Some of the diseases spread through a contaminated water supply are botulism, cholera and dysentery. Parasitic infestations from contaminated water can lead to the development of rashes, muscle aches, fever, chills, coughs, neurological symptoms, jaundice and malnutrition. While most illnesses from drinking contaminated water cause discomfort for a few days or weeks, others can be deadly.
What can and often does happen backpacking, the water become so dirty it clogs the filter and makes it inoperable.  The indwelling of the Holy Spirit can be contaminated by microscopic sin, but if ignored those tiny sins , can so muddy up the Living Water of your life, it clogs the filter.  Paul is warning the Corinthians and us that we can hope our sins just go away.  But we must discipline ourselves to filter out the sin so the Living Water continually flows in our life.
Book:  1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Who is the subject of these verses? 

Verse one Brothers and Sisters.  If you study Corinthians a general pattern Paul uses is when refereeing to the Corinthians church he uses the term Brothers and sisters and the uses the Pronoun us to point back to Brothers and Sisters.  When the Corinthians is pointed to it applies to all Christians.  Using Apostle or Apostolic calling Paul most often uses the pronoun We.  Thus original intended meaning is those who were qualified and selected as apostles in the book of acts.  This does not apply to everyone, but to the apostles!
More importantly Paul using the term Brothers and Sisters; when they were actively sinning, is an example Paul saw the sinful Corinthians as Brothers and Sisters in Christ, despite their behavior.  He also warned them as fellow disciples.  When people are acting ungodly in the church can we still see them as Brothers and sisters in need?

What is it to have eaten spiritual food?

If you look at To eat Spiritual food, to Drink spiritual drink is to be what?  To be filled!  Israel by eating the manna and drinking the water were being filled with Christ.  To be filled with Christ in another sense is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Where in the text does Paul put his emphasis?

The Word Ignorance Vrs 1, 11 & 12
By Paul using examples out of the Exodus, it is clear to me Israel was not ignorant of the facts of the
Pentateuch.  But, if all we know are facts and never put them to use we are in big trouble! Later on
Paul says knowledge puffs up  They knew the facts about the Exodus, but they were ignorant to how
the story pointed back at their own struggle with sin.

The Word All Vrs 1

Is used five times in four verses.  I believe Paul is using this to point out the unity they had in God
under Moses.  They all made the same Journey, They all Passed through the Red Sea, They all Drank
the same water, and they all ate the same food.  Israels sin destroyed their unity with each other and
This should have given pause to Corinth to see they too had been united in Christ, through Christ
Journey to the Cross, Through journey from death to life, and they all drank the same blood, and ate
the same flesh.  All this is true, but their unity with each other and Christ were threatened by their
own Sin!

The word ” for” used in verse one points to Chapter 9 and verse 27

NLT leaves it out the word for and the KJV uses Morever. But the NASB and NI, use for in verse one. 
The word “For” acts as a stop sign to the Corinthian church.  If the Corinthians church continually runs
the stop sign of sin craving evil, disunity, idolatry, trying, and grumbling they will be destroyed. Verse

When are we in danger?

John MacArthur  writes in his Corinthians commentary; “One of the surest ways to fall into temptation
and sin is to become overconfident.”1.  Israel time and time again in the Old Testament got into
trouble because they viewed Divine favor as a blessing!  Corinth church in this letter was overly
confident in their position in Christ.  A verse to describe where they were at in my mind would be
Romans 6:1 Read.  They looked at their spiritual gifts, their salvation, and the preaching of Paul,
Apollo’s, and Cephas as irrevocable gold star, no matter their behavior.  Paul pointed to Israel who
had this same overconfident recklessness and look what happened to them.  Verse one connects the
context with verse 11 and 12, have someone read those verses.
When a Christian becomes so certain of his own strength that he thinks he can handle anything, he is
in grave danger and according to verse 11 and 12 is certain to fall.  A mature Christian Like Moses,
Joshua and Caleb are always dependent on God’s nourishment.  While the Corinthians saw themselves
free to do what they willed and still be safe.

How can we be spiritually filled?

May times in New Testament there are positive commands to feed us spiritually for example Romans
12:1 Renew your mind.  But we also need at time to be approach in a negative way; to put away sin
before it destroys us.  The Holy Spirit has more direct access to us as sin is put away!
Do not Crave Evil Vrs 6

NIV states they set their hearts on evil things!  Set their hearts on evil is a euphemistic word that
means they craved evil.  Can you think of examples of this?  LA Riot  Understand Things are
amoral, but when man’s desire are uncontrolled things can be used for evil purposes!  Those in
Israel who’s bodies were scattered over the desert, were those who had no self-control and sought
to satisfy every impulse.
Corinthians were in danger of the same fate, because in their desire for preminence, sexual
gratification, best gifts and money they had lost all control.
One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control this is the positive way of stating this.  Crave self
control so you may not be overcome with sin.

2.       Do not be Idolaters Vrs. 7

Israel was barely out of Israel before they fell into Idolatry.  They were in the desert and there was no
pagan temples, priests or idols to lure them, but they managed to make their own.
Now, consider how ridiculous this is when you think of the miracles they had observed?  Name some of
When Christians worship anyone or anything besides God, that is Idolatry.  Worshipping the virgin
Mary, saints, icons or angels is idolatry!  What is some idolatry we are guilty of?
Corinthian self-had become a god, so they were selfish and treated others selfishly
Corinthians food  became a god, so they were willing to eat meet offered to idols even if it was
stumbling block.
Corinthians Spiritual Gifts had become a god-so Paul urged them to see greatest gift love.
To be Spirit filled people, God must be the center of our existence!
Do not engage in Immorality Vrs. 8

This refers to sexual immorality, in the world of Israel and Corinth Idolatry and Sexual immorality was
most often a combo sandwich.  In fact this was true in Corinth where one of the centers of worship was
the temple of Aphrodite with over a thousand ritual prostitutes.  So we are not the first culture, to have
a corner on sexual immorality.  And Chapters 6,7,8 all make clear, that sexual immorality was
Compromising the life of the Corinthian believers.
Today, Americans do worship at the temple of Aphrodite, but daily we worship at the temple of
Hollywood and Nashville.  There is not a book, email, song, or movie that seems to not try man’s sexual
purity.  We must understand even if we never sin in this area, it is likely because of our culture our mind
has become filled with vulgar ideas and images, and this clogs up the water filter of our heart-this
impedes the filling of the Spirit!  We must flee from all immorality!

4.       Do not Put the Lord to the test Vrs. 9

This example comes from Numbers 21; where Israel spoke against God and Moses.  They Murmured
constantly even though they had enough; trying the very patience of God!  God had provided manna
and water to survive, but they wanted more spice and more variety.
The Corinthians were pushing their Christian Liberty to the point they were testing God’s patience.  The
Corinthian church was basically saying God is forgiving, he knows I am weak, he will forgive me.  In
Numbers 21 the Lord sent fiery serpents to Israel,  as Christians whether in Corinth or in Elbert  sin is a
fiery serpent.  If we pick up serpent we will be bit!  Often our sin is we are not satisfied with what God
has given us we want more variety, we want pizazz, so we murmur and put him to the test.

5.       Do Not Grumble Vrs. 10

We have a sin meter in our mind, for most sexual sin is very high and complaing very low.  But what
does the text say?  In Israel was Grumbling at the heart of the rest of their sins?  I think so!
For us is grumbling where it starts?  Where will it lead?  What have you been grumbling about?  If we
desire the Living water of the Holy Spirit to move freely in our life, we must learn to be content and stop

Look: How do we know we are filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit verse 23,24 and 33,34

1.       Spiritually Benefits others
2.       Unselfishly give to fellow believers
3.       Glorify God
4.       Salvation of others

Took: What does 1 Corinthians 10:14-17 Teach us about Communion?

Paul is not specifically discussing the Lord’s supper, but what the Corinthian church and us are sharing.
Israel shared in the water, quail and manna.  Followers of Christ share in the “cup of blessing and the
The application to communion is this: it is a shared experience.  We share in the Body and Blood of Jesus
our savior!  We share in the victory and failing of past saints at communion.  We share in responsibility
for spiritual wellbeing of each other!  At the Table there is a sharing of the redemption of Christ.
Paul was pointing out just like Israel tried to share in both idolatry and true worship was disastrous.  If
we seek to worship at the Table, with the demonic influence of immorality and grumbling, it will also be
disastrous.  If we who are one, are divisive at the Table, we will be welcoming the guest of demons. 
Take heed lest ye fall!

Holy Spirit 18

1 Corinthians 10

Student notes

Hook:  Water Filter

Book:  1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Who is the subject of these verses? 

What is it to have eaten spiritual food?

Where in the text does Paul put his emphasis?

The Word Ignorance Vrs 1, 11 & 12

The Word All Vrs 1

The word ” for” used in verse one points to Chapter 9 and verse 27

When are we in danger?

How can we be spiritually filled?
1.                   Do not Crave Evil Vrs 6

2.                   Do not be Idolaters Vrs. 7

3.                   Do not engage in Immorality Vrs. 8

4.                   Do not Put the Lord to the test Vrs. 9

5.                   Do Not Grumble Vrs. 10

Look: What does 1 Corinthians 10:14-17 teach us about Communion?

Took: How do we know we are filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit verse 24 and 33,34

Holy Spirit 18

1 Corinthians 10


Monday  Read Exodus 32
Prayerfully ask yourself what can I learn about the sin of idolatry?
What idols are there in my own life?
Why are we so quick to sin?

Tuesday  Read Numbers 24-25:1-3
Balaam was not allowed to curse Israel, so what did Moab decide to do?

We may not be cursed in Christ, but how does Satan attempt to compromise us and cause us to curse ourselves?
Read Numbers 21:1-5 & John 3:14

Israel tried God patience by doing what?

How do we test God?  (Romans 6:1,2)

Read Numbers 14:1-35
What Kept Israel out of the promised land?
What keeps us from God’s promises?

What should we do with what God has provided?

Read Numbers 11:1-23
How did Israel crave evil?
How did the Holy Spirit Help Moses?
What can you learn from this?

Read Romans 15:1-4
List how you may be water the Holy Spirit in your life?

Read Philippians 3:15-21

What does this have to do with being filled with Holy Spirit?

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