Holy Spirit Self-Study 2
How was it possible for Jesus to say, “He that has seen me has seen the Holy Spirit”? (He did not say this, but it was possible—explain why.) (Paraclete Is the clue) See John 14:14-18
Why is it wrong to refer to the Holy Spirit as “it”? See: Hebrews 9:14, I Corinthians 2:10,11, Genesis 1:1,2
Give three Scripture References when the Holy Spirit spoke?
Give three ways we know someone is filled with the Holy Spirit and the Scripture references that go with them
In the Old Covenant the Holy Spirit was not poured out on all, but carefully dispensed. But what was the most common expression in the Old Testament of the Holy Spirit’s help for a task? See; Judges 3:10, 6:34, 11:29, 14:6,19, 15:14; I Samuel 10:10, 11:6.13
In the New Covenant the Holy Spirit is poured out on all; what similarities and differences do you see between Joel 2:28-32 and how Peter interpreted in Acts 2:14-39? Is Joel fulfilled on the day of Pentecost?
Study Isaiah 63:10-14: Answer the following: What difference do you see in this passage and the New Testament on Where the Holy Spirit live? How did Israel grieve the Holy Spirit? Was this a casual mistake? In verse thirteen who may have been the fire by night and the cloud by day? (See Exodus 13:22) Who gives rest? And how do we receive it?
Who gave us the Old Testament scriptures? See; 2 Samuel 23:1,2; Zechariah 7:12, 3 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:21.
Compare Genesis 1:1,2 and Psalms 104:29,30 what evidence in these passages is there of The Holy Spirit’s deity?
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