The Cowboy in me want to ride rough shod over life.
The Christ in my attempts self-giving
The Cowboy in me wants to be drunk with the pleasures of this life.
The Christ in me is driven toward the life to come.
The Cowboy in me was build by the Barbwire of rejection and the burning sun of disappointment.
The Christ in me is crucified daily in the attempt to love my enemies as the Son has love me.
The Cowboy in me refuses to admit the sin of pride and anger.
The Christ in me holds out hope that God can be seen in all men, even prideful ones.
The Cowboy in me wants to ride against the wind, with the wind blowing away all my responsibilities.
The Christ in me calls me to row against the wind with a cargo of lost souls.
The Cowboy and the Christ both need the blood of Jesus to find a way to the bunkhouse.