Memory Verse O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens! Psalms 8:1 NASB
2 Kings 17 Psalms 27
“Our present ecological crisis, the biggest single practical threat to our human existence in the middle to long term, has, religious -people would say, a great deal to do with our failure to think of the world as existing in relation to the mystery of God, not just as a huge warehouse of stuff to be used for our convenience.” Rowan Williams
We praise you, O Lord, for the waters, the mountains and hills, the deserts and valleys, the wilderness spaces, and for all living creatures. Forgive us when we have not been good caretakers of the earth. Make us into -people who practice resurrection by bringing dead things back to life and by making ugly things beautiful again. Amen.(