We celebrate 4th of July to remember the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th1776. The signers of the Declaration of Independence boldly asserted that allare "created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain un-
alienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. “ This document declared we would no longer be subject to English rule but would be a free and independent people! But freedom is not free it has cost America Time, money and a whole lot of blood. It has taken a unique partnership, between God and man to make this a lasting republic.. We are not a sinless nation, but a noble nation that continues to grow toward leading the whole world to Unalienable rights for all.
I think 9/11 for a short period of time we were solidly united. Since then we have become divided and discouraged, in the direction of our country. 2012 we will elect the 45th president of this nation. This election will set the tone and direction of our future for this great nation. But what I hear from my neighbors and news broadcasters is cynicism and criticism for our elected leaders.
I personally believe the secret to having great leaders is having great followers. Whether we are talking about leadership of a nation or a church it requires great followers. Here is four steps we can all take to be better followers. 1. Stay Informed. As the flood of information rises, the amount of misinformation also increases. One of the downsides of the internet is we assume because it’s on the net it’s true-but the net requires no sourcing. News is now all about sound bites and cannot possibly cover a complex subject like America in Afghanistan. So it means we need to be readers and researchers to vote and express our political views. 2. Stay connected. Unless you are part of the voting process in our country, you will never be part of the solution. With any organization it takes followers who actively communicate with its leaders from voting to letters to make positive change. 3. Stay Sacrificial to be a good follower. Every movement of God that has been transformational, has required sacrifice. We will not balance our nations priorities and budget, unless every American is willing to sacrifice their pet pig! 4. Stay in prayer for you leaders. We are currently preaching through Daniel. One lesson that comes through loud and clear in this book is that God, not man, sets up and tears down nations. As a pastor I covet peoples prayers for me, for apart from Christ I can do nothing. But every Christian needs to pray for President Barack Obama to president of your local School Board, because it is in those prayers that the future of a people is changed!
The Bible clearly states: Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 1 Timothy 2:3,4 NLT That is why I am calling Elbert Christian Church to fast and pray for our leaders from sundown July 2 to Noon on July 3rd. We will also be having an extended time of prayer for our leaders during our worship time on July 3rd.
May America have a Prayerful 4th of July
Roger Miller