The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” MOTHER THERESA
And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18 KJV
KAW-LIGA By Hank Williams
KAW-LIGA, was a wooden Indian standing by the door
He fell in love with an Indian maid over in the antique store
KAW-LIGA - A, just stood there and never let it show
So she could never answer "YES" or "NO".
He always wore his Sunday feathers and held a tomahawk
The maiden wore her beads and braids and hoped someday he'd talk
KAW-LIGA - A, too stubborn to ever show a sign
Because his heart was made of knotty pine.
Poor ol' KAW-LIGA, he never got a kiss
Poor ol' KAW-LIGA, he don't know what he missed
Is it any wonder that his face is red
KAW-LIGA, that poor ol' wooden head.
KAW-LIGA, was a lonely Indian never went nowhere
His heart was set on the Indian maiden with the coal black hair
KAW-LIGA - A, just stood there and never let it show
So she could never answer "YES" or "NO".
Sentence Prayer
Mighty Creator
Thank you for the capacity to love and to give love. For the capacity of betrayal to grant forgiveness. Thank you for the blessing of a sweetheart, may our love grow old and wise. .that cherishes a body that grows old, with time. Give me the courage to always be vulnerable , so we are not alone, but always with our help mate to share our journey together. Amen R.M.