Saturday, August 29, 2015



A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow 

merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They 

thrive because someone expended effort on them.  Liberty Hyde 


“The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there He 

placed the man He had formed. 9 The Lord God caused to grow out 

of the ground every tree pleasing in appearance and good for food, 

including the tree of life in the middle of the garden, as well as 

the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. ” Genesis 1:8,9 

Excerpt From: Holman Bible Publishers. “The Holy Bible: HCSB Digital Text Edition.” iBooks.


This time last year there sure was
A lot of sad faces around this old house
Our papa died without fulfillin' his life's dream
Of producing one of the best crops in Grimes County

Though papa died with that dream still in his head
A desire in his heart, a promise on his lips, calluses on both hands
And two dollars in his pocket
Papa didn't live long enough to see his dreams come true

So he died from too much work, broken spirit, I guess
But I promised our mama that if it was a last thing he'd ever do
He'd live long enough to see just one good crop come through
But you see we can't plan on things without first talking to God

Because we don't know his plans
And if we don't include him my friends the way can get mighty hard
They say that every time a good and righteous person
Is buried in God's good earth it's just fertilizer for the soil

And I guess there must be some truth to that
Whether we believe it or not
I just wish that papa was here right now
So that he could see this good crop that we finally got

Hey look at that beans and look at that corn
And I bet them watermelons must be three feet long
Man look at them tomatoes and look at them peas
Well I know if papa was here right now he'd sure be pleased

And papa would sure be proud of his children too
My brother's famous now got his own show on the road
Traveling in customized bus imported from Europe
That boy always did love music and he loves to travel

I got a sister that's got a good job in a beauty shop
Making money, making other people look good
Ain't nobody here at a house now but me and mama
And mama she's gettin' weaker and she's gettin' older every day

And she talks softly about joinin' papa in his heavenly home
But that woman sure did love that man
She worked beside papa for forty some odd years
Tryin' to produce a good crop and never could grow a single bean

But I just wish that papa was here right now
To see this good crop that we finally got
Man, look at that beans and look at that corn
And I bet them watermelons must be three feet long

Man, look at them tomatoes and look at them peas
Well, I know if papa was here right now he'd sure be pleased
And papa, if you can hear me look at them beans


Father of all gardens, we thank thee that in the long ago

Thou didst begin the world in a garden.

We thank Thee for the morning and the singing of the bird.

We thank Thee for the quiet and the peace of eventide

and the blessing of sleep which comes with the night.

As we rise in the morning to work in our garden, grant that the toil

of our bodies may bring tranquility to our minds.

That the growth of our plantings be exemplified in the growth

of our souls.  That the fruit of our trees be the perfect 

attainment,of a crowning glory of a life dedicated to Thee.  Amen!