Friday, February 1, 2013

A New Hat

I am not much of a hat person, but if I wear one it will be a 
ball cap or a Cowboy hat.  I have always wanted a nice 
Stetson,the last one I had was eaten by my favorite dog!  
Which is another long story.

I was in a western store in Breckinridge, and they had some
really nice Stetson hats.  They were not all black, white or 
bone as they call it.

The color of the hats is important to be because, I do not 
want black because no man is so evil, he is beyond God’s redemption. Not white because no man is without sin. These 
hats were a nice brown made out of Buffalo hair. 
Reminding me all of us have strayed from god’s way but 
have been redeemed by Jesus. 

  Went to pick up one to try it on, and immediately felt eyes
burrowing through the back of my head.  With a clearing of
the throat I hear; “Sir, may I help you!”  She then informs me 
I am stacking, the hats all wrong;  the smallest one on the 
bottom and biggest on top.  I wanted to shout you startled 
me so, you’re lucky I just didn't drop them and walk on them!  
So I left her to her nice hat and a snooty attitude.

I like a ball cap, because it reminds me of when I helped my
grandfather cut hay and the diary I worked at.  The Cowboy 
hat is what most of my relatives wore.  So I see a cowboy hat, 
I think of Grandpa Cowboy and Uncle Erv. Most all it reminds
me of the western heroes in all the westerns I grew up 
watching and play acting.

Hat’s often identify our values and treasures.  A State trooper is
often known by his “Smoky the Bear hat.”  A construction 
worker has a hard hat!  A chef by his “Toque hat.”  Today, 
your hat will more likely have your favorite teams’ logo 
emblazoned on it.

  I have yet to find a hat that identifies those who are true 
disciples.  Maybe you could make one in the shape of a cross. 
Maybe it would be made out of really itchy wool and you could 
do penance for wearing it so long.

The reality is no hat can measure our maturity in Christ. When 
you are mature in Christ you slowly grow into a reality where 
your words match your deeds!  In fact Jesus taught the 
highest compliment for any disciples is that they become 
like their master.It is enough for students to be like their 
teachers,and servants like their masters.  Matthew 10:25

We all need a new hat in 2013, a hat that helps us grow into 
the masters likeness.  A hat that makes the statement: When 
they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized 
that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been 
with Jesus. Acts 4:13  We will possess this hat if we 1. Spend Time in the Words of Jesus.  The more we 
read what Jesus did the more likely we begin to act like Jesus.  2.Seek Jesus in Prayer.  What we do shapes who we are. Cowboy hats came about, because of a cowboys’ work, not a fashion statement.  3. Spend time with those who love Jesus. 

 Scary thought for those married for decades, but we tend to 
look like those we spend time with.  If you wish to wear a hat 
that says I have been with Jesus, then spend time with other
Jesus followers.

Be God’s 

Roger Miller

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