All I wanted was one majestic peacock. My local feed store called to inform me that my one
peacock was in. I asked about the guinea's I also ordered for companionship and to teach the pea chick how to eat. They informed me they oversold the guinea's and they no longer had any available, but they had number where I could get Guiena's. I went home and made a temporary cage, for the pea chick. Called the guiena owners they told me they wher just a little east and north outside of Kiowa. Thirty miles later several pasture trails later, I discover the little community of Bijou. Meet a pet llama who try's to mug me and meet George and Marla. They have every conceivable pet imaginable. It was not a matter of them loading me up with Guinea's Noo! They had them trained to the vocal command of Guiena, to come back to their pen. I first needed guiena instruction. Then I was given the nickel tour of over 3oo guiena and each of their history. Then I was sold a pair of turkey's and 30 guiena's.
Arriving home I discovered my cute little kittens had figured out how to extract the pea chick from his temporary cage and had consumed my $30 Pea Chick!
So here I was with 30 guineas and two turkeys-three counting me and no pea chick!
Since the kittens ate the pea chick, I couldn't have them eating the Guinea hens-so I went to the big R and bought a cage, a water bottle and two feed pens. $110 later I had everything for my Guinea / turkeys-but no pea chick!
But is that not the way it is-we move heaven and earth to acquire a want-to find out it was dust in the wind! Our wants takes us further than we had planned and often does not leaves us until we are busted and broken!
Be God's
Roger Miller