The worker must work for the glory of his handiwork, not
simply for pay; the thinker must think for truth, not for fame.”— W.E.B. Du Bois
If you think you are better than others, when you really
aren’t, you are wrong. Do your own work well, and then you will have something
to be proud of. But don’t compare yourself with others. We each must carry
our own load. Galatians 6:3-5 CEV
That’s Something to be proud
Montgomery Gentry
There's a story that my daddy
tells religiously,
Like clockwork every time he
see's an opening,
In a conversation, 'bout the way
things use to be.
I just roll my eyes and make a
B-line for the door,
I'd always end up starry eyed and
cross legged on the floor,
Hanging onto every word; man, the
things I heard
It was harder times and longer
Five miles to school uphill both
We were cane switched raised and
dirt floor poor,
Course that was back before the
Yea your uncle and I made quit a
Flying F-15's through hostile
He went down but they missed me
by a hair,
He'd always stop right there and
That's something to be proud of,
That's a life you can hang your
hat on,
as your chins held high as the
tears fall down,
gut sucked in, chest stuck out,
Like a small town flag a flying,
Or a new born baby crying,
In the arms of the woman that you
That's something to be proud of,
Sentence Prayer
Lord, forgive me that when life’s circumstances lift me to
the crest of the wave, I tend to forget you. Yet, like an errant child, I have
blamed you with my every failure, even as I credit myself with every success.
When my fears evaporate like the morning mist, then vainly I
imagine that I am sufficient unto myself, that material sources and human
resources are enough.
I need you when the sun shines, lest I forget the storm and
the dark. I need you when I am popular, when my friends and those who work
beside me approve and compliment me. I need you more then, lest my head begin
to swell.
O God, forgive me for my stupidity, my blindness in success,
my lack of trust in you. Be now my savior in success. Save me from conceit.
Save me from pettiness. Save me from myself! And take this success, I pray, and
use it for your glory. In your strength, I pray. Amen. -Peter Marshall