Our 2006 Ford Freestar has reached the end of the road. It has over 160,000 miles, on the
odometer. I am not sure how many times it has gotten stuck in Elbert County roads.
Cannot begin to tell you the number of Drive thru mishaps have occurred over the five year
we have had the vehicle. Recent repair estimates made the tea leaves are clear, we need a
new car.
So I started to notice these End of the Year Car Adds push pull and drag into our lot and
we will give you $5000 for your car. What is the old saying if it’s too good to be true, it is.
I am not sure how the fleecing occurs, but I am certain if you have to tow a vehicle into a
used car dealership for a trade in, they will get the better end of the deal! Common sense
tells you that if your car is drivable, it is worth more than if it’s dead on arrival. Common
sense tells us all if we are able to control and drive our own life it is worth more, than
always being towed by the circumstances of life.
January I start a series I call D.R.I.V.E. The idea behind the series is if we develop a little
self-leadership and take control of our life then the coming year will bring glory to God!
The older I get the more I realize how easy it is too drift thru life with no purpose or
direction. Resolutions have been proven time and time again a failure, but driving in a
direction towards a goal is always beneficial. It has been said before; “aim for the moon
and land in the stars. That’s the idea behind driving our life in a godly direction for 2012.
Drive stands for. . .D.evotion to God, R.eadiness for lifelong learning, I.nvest in
key relationships, V.ision for the future, E.ating and excercising and S.erves. If we focus
the next 12 months in this general direction, I am certain we will grow more like Christ.
End of the year resolutions to make next year better by pushing, pulling and dragging self
into a new habit with no commitment, cost or change of character on your part is a farce.
But we see it every day, just take this supplement, no exercise required and lose thirty
pounds. Come into our free seminar and learn how to dump your debt without any change
in lifestyle on your part! Get six pack abs by simply putting the new slimming belt on! You
know the promises are false, and yet we often buy what the infomercials are selling!
Better off entering the New Year by taking control and driving into it! Better yet making a
commitment, change and paying the cost to allow God to control and drive you in the
coming year!
God never offers a fix your life in five easy steps, but a path towards righteousness.
Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor. Proverbs 21:21
Please, join us for Januarys’ sermon series as we begin the drive into 2012