Sunday was one of those days, I love as a pastor. There was an abundance of new faces
along with mugs I have gotten used too. The church was filled with every team uniform
to the poor couple who did not know about Team Sunday who dressed up.heir was an
abundance of Bikers and Cowboys. During the service we recognized three past elders,
who have made this church family what it is today. Unofficially still Shepherding
God's children who worship at Elbert Christian Church. A man diagnosed with cancer,
came up at the end of service so the Elders could pray for him. With tears in his
eyes, he said thank you to his God.
After service every one helped people set up displays for their different
ministries. Our attendance for the day was 130, but we had over twenty different
mission people of ECC were involved in. Everything from funeral dinners at ECC to
music ministry seeking to journey to Cameron Africa. Eric and Deborah Johnson are
looking to start an Evangelism Explosion class and Answers in Genesis. Eva's Coffee
bar raised $75 dollars for Hati.
While all of this was going on upstairs, the food servants were downstairs setting
up a tailgating feast. Homemade brats to chips and dips were found. Charlie the
rancher was disappointed for their was no more beef to be had.
I found there was only one problem; at 1:30 after a 10:00 A:M Start time no one was
leaving! I finally had to turn lights off and drop hints like: don't you think it's
time to leave?! I was speechless most churches struggle to get people in the door,
we can't get them to leave!
Thank you Elbert Christian Church-you reminded me once again why it's a Joy to serve
the Lord.