Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 21

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 27-28:16 Psalms 39

If you don’t transform your pain, you will always transmit it. Someone else has to suffer because I don’t know how to suffer; that is what it comes down to.   Richard Rohr

God, no matter what I face, I want to place my trust in You. Give me the strength to faithfully and patiently wait for You to move—because I know Your plans are good. When I grow impatient, please help me. When I grow tired, please comfort me. Help me to trust You at all times and remind me that my faith in you is never wasted.  In Jesus, name Amen! (Newdawn @olumideki)

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 20

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 25-26 Psalms 39

When I grow up, I'm gonna look up from my phone and see my life.  Phoebe Bridgers

Father in Heaven, though all else forsake, You are faithful. Give us such love that is constrained to hold to You, whatever happens.  We will wait for when we do understand and when we do see. Until then, we cling to You and remain anchored by the hope that is eternal. People turn against us, still, You are faithful. Christ Himself knew the betrayal of friends, and  He was faithful: He helps us now. When those we love die and we feel alone, still You are faithful. You come to our aid and remain our tender and strong Provider. Even when our bodies turn against us, still You are faithful.  Though we lose all we love in this life, You remain faithful. Truly we must lose our lives to gain life. So strengthen the grip of our faith, because You are worthy and You keep all Your promises. In the Name of Christ, we pray, amen. (Adah Hutchcraft)

Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 19

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 22:30-24 Psalms 38

The dawn intimates that the night is over, but it does not yet proclaim the full light of day. Are not all of us who follow the truth in this life both daybreak and dawn? We do some things which already belong to the light, but we are not free from the remnants of darkness. It will be fully day for the church when she is no longer darkened by the shadow of sin. It will be fully day for her when she shines with the perfect brilliance of interior light. This dawn is an ongoing process. When the dawn has come, the day will retain nothing belonging to the darkness of night.

Thank you, Lord, for working through us despite our sinfulness. By the power of your glorious resurrection, give us the grace to love sinners like ourselves. We ask this in the name of our Lord -Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen. (

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 18

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 21-22:29 Psalms 37

God can turn water into wine, but he can’t turn your whining into anything.

Our Gracious God 

Sometimes we think we have reached the top of the hill only to discover a mountain up ahead. Yet, You have promised You will never leave nor forsake us. You are able to strengthen us with patience and endurance. You even give us peace and joy along the way as a foretaste of victory to come. Help each soul that is worn, weary, and struggling to persevere. Revive us by Your Spirit so we are sustained and thrive as a testimony to Your faithfulness. As we keep our gaze on You, mountains are removed. In the Name of Christ, amen. (Adah Hutchcraft)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 17

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 19:21-20 Psalms 36

It amazes me that someone can go and call others "idiots" then quote Jesus. Especially when they don't know the whole story behind the person they are calling an "idiot". I believe Jesus also commented on looking at the speck in your brother's eye when there is a plank in your own. Buddy Strachan

Taliban having its way again. More genocide in Myanmar. Decimating earthquake in Haiti. COVID resurgence dividing communities and messing up the equilibrium.

Now is a time for tears.

And redemptive anger.

And pleading prayer.

Come, Lord Jesus. (Scott Sauls)

Monday, August 16, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 16

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 18-19:20 Psalms 35

Getting answers to my questions is not the goal of the spiritual life. Living in the presence of God is the greater call. — Henri Nouwen

Father, I abandon myself into your hands. Do with me what you will. Whatever you may do, I will thank you. I am ready for all; I accept all. Let only your will be done in me, as in all your creatures. And I’ll ask nothing else, my Lord. (Charles de Foucauld)

Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Daily Dose of God August 15

Memory Verse; Adonai is my portion and my cup.

You cast my lot.  My boundary lines fall in pleasant places

—surely my heritage is beautiful. Psalms 16:6 TLV

Acts 16:6-17 Psalms 34

Compassion is something I have a lot of because I've been through a lot of pain in my life. Anybody who has suffered a lot of pain has a lot of compassion. Johnny Cash

Jesus, this day we are so blessed with the reminder of Your saving us for the day of Your loving arms around us. No matter what hits we endure on this earth, we know that You truly will wipe all tears away. Thank You, Jesus, for saving us! Amen (PrayersCross)