Saturday, December 21, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 21

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 21

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 69:13-18; Matthew 2:13-18; Zechariah 12

In the joy of your Incarnation, we pray to you this day:
Come, let us adore him.
God has heard our cries; the Messiah has been born!
Come, let us adore him.
Our dreams have come true: the Savior will redeem all of creation.
Come, let us adore him.
God has not abandoned us: we will never be alone.
Come, let us adore him.
Joy has been exemplified: death cannot have the last word!
Come, let us adore him.
Peace has been promised to us: weapons of war will one day be no more.
Come, let us adore him.
The midnight cries of a baby will soon become the redeeming words of forgiveness.
Come, let us adore him.
In the incarnation of your love, you have transformed our humanity into the promise of glory.
May the love that gave birth to this day, be born in us each day.

Maria Kane

Friday, December 20, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 20

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 69:5-12; Matthew 2:7-12; Zechariah 11:1-13

Redeeming God, we are given many labels throughout our lives,
help us remember that the only one that matters is Beloved.
When we are unsure of our purpose,
grant us the conviction of John the Baptist.
When we cower in the face of great responsibility or the rejection of others, grant us the tenacity of Joseph to trust
not in our reputation, but in your love.
When we want to give in to disbelief and despair,
grant us the trust and joyful abandon of Mary.
When we face long nights of darkness and uncertainty,
grant us the eternal hope of the Wise Ones.
When the terrors and heartaches of this world threaten our faith, grant us the confidence and witness of the shepherds in the night.
When hope fails us and doubt constrains us,
let us remember the redeeming Love that comes down on Christmas and lasts for always.

Maria Kane

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 19

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 69:1-4;Matthew 2:1-6; Zechariah 9:9-13

From the deepest exhale of your being, you brought forth creation.
We yearn for your Word to set us free —
free to laugh, to sing, to give thanks for the dawn of a new day.
May the oil of gladness flood the sorrow of our longest nights.
We long for the Light of the World to cast away
the hidden shadows of our lives.
Just as you calmed Mary’s fears and gave her a song of joy,
we give thanks that you give us new songs of hope.
We surrender ourselves to the Prince of Peace.
We confess that far too often we substitute
control and independence for faith and trust.
We need the Good Shepherd to show us the way.
In the face of violence and oppression,
we cling to your redeeming love to transform the world.
We give thanks for Emmanuel, God-with-us.
Now, grant us the courage of our convictions,
that we may be heralds of your love.

Maria Kane

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 18

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 118:22-27; Matthew 1:18-25; Micah 5:1-4

An Advent Prayer to Remember God’s Promises

Advent is here, but so is family tension.
Advent is here, but so are dysfunctional relationships.
Advent is here, but so are old habits.
Advent is here, but gone are people we love.
Advent is here, but old baggage still exists.
Advent is here, but fears surface.
You say, "I see all that, and I can handle all that."
You say, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
You say, "Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid."
You say, "Tell everyone who is discouraged, Be strong and don’t be afraid! God is coming to your rescue…"
What looks unscalable, You boost me over.
What seems unbearable, You bring me through unbelievably.
What can't be managed, You say, "Let down your guard and I will guard you."

~Edited from Kelly Balarie's “7 Verses When Relationships Hurt at Christmas”

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 17

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 16:8-11; Matthew 1:1-17; Daniel 3:16-30

From the deepest exhale of your being, 
you brought forth creation.
We yearn for your Word to set us free —
free to laugh, to sing, to give thanks for the dawn of a new day.
May the oil of gladness flood the sorrow of our longest nights.
We long for the Light of the World to cast away
the hidden shadows of our lives.
Just as you calmed Mary’s fears and gave her a song of joy,
we give thanks that you give us new songs of hope.
We surrender ourselves to the Prince of Peace.
We confess that far too often we substitute
control and independence for faith and trust.
We need the Good Shepherd to show us the way.
In the face of violence and oppression,
we cling to your redeeming love to transform the world.
We give thanks for Emmanuel, God-with-us.
Now, grant us the courage of our convictions,
that we may be heralds of your love.

Maria Kane

Monday, December 16, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 14

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Proverbs 3O:1-4; Luke 2:41-51; Daniel 3:1-15

We have hung stockings, mailed cards, and decorated the tree,
but our hearts remain restless for your coming.
We hear the voice of your prophet, O, Lord: Cry out! 
Prepare the way!
How, God, do we prepare for the birth of a king, 
the Prince of Peace?
Do we bow at his feet? Do we hide our faces in the 
presence of such glory?
In a world searching for easy answers and quick fixes, 
remind us of the gift of stillness.
Lord, we need your Spirit of peace to calm our anxious hearts.
Help us remember that you do not ask us to come as 
perfect people,
only as people longing for your salvation.
In our frenzy, may we never forget that Christ has already prepared us a place with you.
We give you thanks that we are never alone.

Maria Kane

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 15

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 89:14-52

Divine Mystery, the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. 
Oh, come to us, abide with us.
Loving Mystery, you have lifted every sorrow, fear, and hatred that weighs us down. 
Oh, come to us, abide with us.
Living Mystery, you have trampled the powers of death that oppress your people. 
Oh, come to us, abide with us.
Faithful Mystery, you sent into the world as a child your Son, the Prince of Peace. 
Oh, come to us, abide with us.
Powerful Mystery, through Jesus, you have established justice and righteousness on the earth. 
Oh, come to us, abide with us.
Eternal Mystery, glory to you in the highest heaven. 
Oh, come to us, abide with us.
Gentle Mystery, let your peace fill all the earth. 
Oh, come to us, abide with us, our Lord Emmanuel. Amen.

by Beth Ann Gaede