You shine faithfully upon my life, but you cannot and will not take the steps for me-it is I who must walk in your way and become the expression for our will. Celtic Daily Prayer Oct 18 Pg 527
Does the previous statement seem a little harsh? Does it almost seem heretical that God will not do for you what you should do?
It did to me as well until I remembered the creation of man. God gave man free will, telling him all steps were allowed except the eating of the forbidden fruit. We all know how that ended, but God did not take Adam’s choice of self-destruction away from them. We recently studied the story of the rich young ruler. Jesus (God in the Flesh) genuinely liked the young man, but allowed the man to walk away from salvation! On judgment day each of us will be rewarded or punished according to the steps we have
That God allows man to walk his way, has a lot of consequences for each of us. A group of believers can help us grow, but they cannot make us grow! It means that for servants helping others, the ones being helped may reject the truth and hurt themselves! What it comes down to is God holds us accountable for the truth we teach and the steps we take-not what others do!
Paul said it this way; Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling Ph 2:12. Just know I am praying that we all have the courage to take the steps God has given this day!
Be God’s
Does the previous statement seem a little harsh? Does it almost seem heretical that God will not do for you what you should do?
It did to me as well until I remembered the creation of man. God gave man free will, telling him all steps were allowed except the eating of the forbidden fruit. We all know how that ended, but God did not take Adam’s choice of self-destruction away from them. We recently studied the story of the rich young ruler. Jesus (God in the Flesh) genuinely liked the young man, but allowed the man to walk away from salvation! On judgment day each of us will be rewarded or punished according to the steps we have
That God allows man to walk his way, has a lot of consequences for each of us. A group of believers can help us grow, but they cannot make us grow! It means that for servants helping others, the ones being helped may reject the truth and hurt themselves! What it comes down to is God holds us accountable for the truth we teach and the steps we take-not what others do!
Paul said it this way; Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling Ph 2:12. Just know I am praying that we all have the courage to take the steps God has given this day!
Be God’s