The saving grace of salvation is located in a holy and electing God,
and a sacrificing, suffering , and obedient Savior. Stakes this high can
never rest on my sincerity.
Butterfield, Rosaria (2012-09-06). The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert (Kindle Locations 709-710). Crown & Covenant Publications. Kindle Edition.
“And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the
water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw
the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him;
and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son,
with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:16,17
Excerpt From: Crossway. “ESV Classic Reference Bible.” iBooks.
River of Jordan Ricky Skaggs
To the River of Jordan our Savior went one day
And we read that John the Baptist met Him there
And when John baptized Jesus in Jordan's rushing waters
The mighty power of God filled the air.
I'm on my way to the River of Jordan
Gonna wade right in to the rushing waters
I'm going down to the River of Jordan
And let the cool waters cleanse my soul.
King Naaman was stricken with dreaded leprosy
And he sent for the man of God to pray
But Elisha said to Naaman Go dip yourself in Jordan
And let the cool waters wash your spots away.
So he went right down to the River Of Jordan
He waded right in the rushing waters
He dipped himself in the River of Jordan
And the cool waters made him whole.
Oh, the River of Jordan is many miles away
And this mighty river I may never see
But I'll find myself an alter in an old fashioned church
And my River of Jordan that will be...
Sentence Prayer
I am who I am a sinner saved by Grace
Grace only made possible by the Son of God’s blood.
From Day to Day a prostitute or a saint depending
On how I yield to the Spirits leading.
Help me to never give up
But to cling to you in faith forever. Amen R.M.
A.dore God for His mercy for your sin. Maybe a long look back at how much he has forgiven is in order.
C.onfess your criminal acts
T. hanks Thank the Holy God of the universe for his never give up on His Children
S. upplication Pray for the Pharisee who sees no need to repent, who has said he would work in the vineyard but has not gone. Pray for God’s rebellious son’s and daughter who refuse God’s call.