Memory Verse Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7
Exodus 39 Psalms 53
God has created each of us with a thirst that only He can quench. French philosopher Pascal called it a God-shaped vacuum in our hearts that only He can fill. Or as Augustine put it, "Our souls are restless until they find their rest in Thee." Man is perpetually seeking. To whatever degree we don't know the unseen and eternal realm; we seek answers in the seen and temporal. We look for eternal answers among temporal things. But we discover that they cannot provide them. Dan Stone The Rest of the Gospel. Pg. 31.
O God, great and wonderful,
who has created the heavens,
dwelling in their light and beauty;
Who has made the earth,
revealing yourself in every flower that opens.
Let not my eyes be blind to you,
neither let my heart be dead,
but teach me to praise you,
even as the lark which offers her song at daybreak.
Hamilton-Poore, Sam, ed. Earth's Gospel A Guide to Prayer for God's Creation. First ed. Nashville, Tennessee: Upper Room Books, 2008. 78.