Saturday, December 28, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 28

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Proverbs 3:1-6; Revelation 21:9-21 ; Isaiah 54:11-17

Dear Lord, please give me the heart to trust you completely. Help me fight the pride of leaning on my own knowledge and intelligence. May I be faithful in thanksgiving to all You have given me, and may I follow your teaching. In Jesus’ name, Amen.(

Friday, December 27, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 27

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 127;Revelation 21:1-8; Isaiah 54:1-10

Lord, with your coming, our lives have a greater demand placed upon them. Help us learn the art of active, consistent service while maintaining enough silent spaces to hear your call. Amen.   (

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 26

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Ruth 4:13-22; Revelation12; Isaiah 53:7-12

Lord, your coming is still miraculous. Your joining the family of the poor and displaced still baffles and convicts us. Keep us by your manger until we learn the way of love. Amen. (

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 25

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Ruth 4:1-12; John 1:15-18; Isaiah 53:2-6

We Pray for (silence) Joy in our hearts.
                                         Hope in our God.
                                         Peace on earth.
We Pray for (silence) For those who have not heard that a Savior was born in the Town of David, that they would know.
For the poor and marginalized to find abundant life in Christ.  For the sorrowful to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
For the haters to find the love and peace of Christ. (REM)

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 24

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 69:29-36;John 1:9-14; Isaiah 52:13-53:1

Christ Jesus comes to us this day. With the angels we sing, “Glory to God in the highest heaven.”
Together we sing for joy.
A baby has been born in Bethlehem. With the shepherds, we kneel before the manger of hope.
Together we sing for joy.
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings us good news, who announces salvation, who says to us, “Your God reigns.”
Together we sing for joy.
Sing out with praise! Hope has come to us: to poor and to rich, to old and young, to the infinite sky and the reaved earth, to people of all nations and all hues of color.
Together we sing for joy.
Break forth together in singing! Jesus is born! As we light this candle, the candle which represents Christ, let us sing with praise and joy, for Hope is born today.
Together we sing for joy. Amen.

Beth A. Richardson

Monday, December 23, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 23

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 69:22-28; John 1:1-5; Isaiah 52:1-12

Loving God, you are our peace;
     prepare our hearts for your coming.
Forge the swords of bitterness into plows of blessing;
     till the soil of our souls for your springing forth in us.
Remove our heart’s defensive armor,
     clothe us in light alone,
     and pierce our wide-open hearts with your love.
By your Spirit in us, may we be at peace:
     awake, and ready to welcome your presence.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For December 22

Memory Verse  “So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Luke 1:36 

Psalms 69:14-21; Matthew 2:19-23; Malachi 4

In the beginning, O God, was your Word:
     a light in the darkness shining.
Your Word came to life in Jesus,
     a light in the darkness shining.
Your grace has come to us with salvation,
     a light in the darkness shining.
A child has been born among us,
     a light in the darkness shining.
Your love comes to life within us,
     a light in the darkness shining.
May your love chase away all evil,
     a light in the darkness shining.
May your mercy come fill and transform us,
     a light in the darkness shining.
May we live with your love in this world,
     a light in the darkness shining.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes