Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For 5-14

Daily Dose of God's Word For 5-14

Memory Verse: And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Cor 3:18

Read 1 Samuel 11

God Thought

In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit is hinted at, is limited and 

longed for it to be poured out on all, of God's people!  Saul's 

rescue of the city of Jabesh and destruction of the Ammonites, 

demonstrated what could have been, in Saul's life if he had 

worked with God and not in his own strength.

Notice the Holy Spirit comes upon Saul, to rescue the innocent of 

Jabesh, verse 6.  Then we are given several pieces of evidence that 

this is the work of the Spirit of God. 1. Anger against sin and injustice.  

2. The Terror of the Lord. 2. Unity.  3.  Victory. 4. Mercy for 

Saul's enemies.  5. Fellowship with God as a people.  6.Verse 15 

they had a celebration or joy.

Now, every one of these actions is very consistent with the work 

of the Holy Spirit even today.  The one action that may be 

confusing to us, is Saul burning with anger.  This is 

what the Bible calls righteous anger. Anger is a powerful and 

scary emotion. Often it can drive people destructively to hurt 

others. But anger directed at sin and the mistreatment of others 

is why God the Father gave this powerful emotion. Saul was 

angered by the Ammonites’ threat to humiliate and mistreat his 

fellow Israelites. The Holy Spirit used Saul’s anger to bring 

justice and freedom. When injustice or sin makes you angry, ask 

the Holy Spirit to harness your anger  to build the Kingdom of 

God.  Will you make yourself open to the power of the Spirit 


Lord, I am open to the Holy Spirit. Come to me, 

dwell in me, speak to me so I may become 

more like Christ. Lord, give me the courage to be 

open. Lord, I am open to the Holy Spirit. Come, 

Holy Spirit. Amen.

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