Memorize: Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24:5,6
Joseph Jesus
Genesis 37: 24-28 Ephesians 4:9,10
Similarities & Differences
Could jealousy ever make you feel like killing someone? Before saying, “Of course not,” look at what happened in this story. Ten men were willing to kill their younger brother over a robe and a few reported dreams. Their deep jealousy had grown into ugly rage, completely blinding them to what was right. Jealousy can be difficult to recognize because our reasons for it seem to make sense. But left unchecked, jealousy grows quickly and leads to serious sins. The longer you cultivate jealous feelings, the harder it is to uproot them. The time to deal with jealousy is when you notice yourself keeping score of others’ recognition, awards, and achievements.
Tyndale. Life Application Study Bible NIV (Kindle Locations 159300-159304). Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.. Kindle Edition.
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