Saturday, April 20, 2019

Holy Saturday

Memorize: Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Luke 24:5,6

Joseph                 Jesus
Genesis 37:28                        Matthew 26:15

Similarities and differences?

I have no doubt that the Sabbath which began the day Jesus was crucified was the worst Sabbath the disciples had ever known.

It was supposed to be a day of worship and celebration. And the Passover Sabbath was especially so – focusing on the goodness and deliverance of God and on His faithfulness to His people when they were slaves in Egypt. But how could Jesus’ disciples celebrate? How could they praise God for His goodness and faithfulness, when they had just witnessed the death of the one in whom they had put their trust – the one they believed was the Messiah?   The ancient church titled today as; "Holy Saturday".  Holy Saturday commemorates the day that Jesus Christ lay in the tomb after his death, according to the Christian bible. It is the day after Good Friday and the day before Easter Sunday.

Hopelessness, despair, and shame are not usually made a big part of the Easter story.  But there it is Holy Saturday!  Joseph was thrown in a well as good as dead and Jesus in the well of a tomb.  Joseph sold to Ishmaelites as a slave and Jesus betrayed for the price of a slave by His disciple Judas.  We focus on Sunday as we should, but let us not forget Saturday.  Let us now forget you must go through hopelessness to be resurrected.

I think the main reason is that we lack the courage to live authentic lives. We are afraid to feel. We are afraid to look at the reality of life, in all of its occasional harshness and cruelty. We would rather clog our existence with trivial distractions, fill every waking moment with noise, keep busy and distracted and exhausted in the vain hope that if we just ignore the reality of the pain in our lives it will somehow vanish. We go to great lengths to hide, to deny, to pretend, to choose to ignore the issues that are destroying us. And that choice to ignore handicaps our ability to confront, to change, and to live through the midst of the difficulty. Brene Brown calls this numbing.

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  As the Prayer of St. Frank states; it is in the dying we live.  Embrace, life's betrayals, dark tombs, and hopeless so we can be resurrected.

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