Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Finding the Messiah in Leviticus
Happy Thanksgiving Thursday 11-24
Leviticus 11:9-28
Festival of weeks

Festival of weeks It was in essence similar to our Thanksgiving Day which celebrates the end of the harvest. But now imagine that instead of having Christmas a month after Thanksgiving, we had another Thanksgiving Day to thank God for the abundance that the harvest brings.  The whole time would be focused on giving thanks to God.  That is what happening here only the time frame is 50 days instead of 30 days.  This feast was a great celebration of how God had provided an abundant harvest for the people once again.

But there is another aspect in Jewish history that is often overlooked when it comes to this feast.  Exodus 19:1 states that the giving of the Law at Sinai began in the third month after Passover and so later Jewish tradition related this feast to the giving of the Law at Sinai.  Thus later on during the Feast of Weeks at the time of Jesus, the synagogue prayers would refer to this feast as “the time of the giving of our law.”  The Passover and Pentecost were linked then as salvation and gratitude in the people’s lives.  They recognized that while God saved them from Egypt, without obedience to the law it meant nothing.

Today, thank God for the abundance you have. Thank God for all the people who have brought God’s word to you life.

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