Saturday, July 6, 2013


Holy Spirit 19

1 Corinthians 12 Part A

Verses 1-13

Teacher’s notes

Who is the subject of these verses
According to verse one it is brethren in KJV-or Brothers and sisters NIV and the Proper use of spiritual
Gifts.  Throughout the book of Corinthians when Paul uses Brethren he is refereeing to the Corinthians. 
He uses we when he talking about other like him who have received the Apostolic calling!
If Chapter 12 applies to Corinthian, they are for us to apply it to our everyday life!

What is affirmation in this verses that a gift is from the Holy Spirit?
1.        God is Consistent  Vrs 3  Parallel
2.       God is Good to All Vrs 7
3.       God is One
4.       God is the giver

Where is the Listing of Spiritual Gifts found?  And What are they?  Are they all to be considered miraculous? 

I Corinthians 12:4-11

Message of Wisdom
When you think of this gift you should think of the book of Proverbs.  One who had the message of wisdom knew what to say, how to say it and when to say it.  The gift of wisdom is the ability to see the Bible woven as a tapestry.  But That is the foundation of the gift, the common good is so people could apply scripture in the shades of grey in this sin soaked world to obey God!  A good example of this would be the book of James brother of Jesus-who had the message of wisdom.

Message of Knowledge
Many commentators make the part of the sliver of the gifts of preaching and prophecy.  I do not think this is correct although it too is a gift to do with speaking.  I believe the message of knowledge is God making hidden facts to known to his servant.  Example Acts 9:10-12 or Acts 21:10,11

The sovereign, Spirit-given faith Obviously is distinct from saving faith or the daily faith by which every believer lives.  This category of giftedness is limited to certain Christians and has to do with an intensive ability to trust God in difficult and demanding way.  It is the ability to trust him in the face of overwhelming obstacles and human responsibilities.  (John MacArthur New Testament commentary on 1 Corinthians pg 299)  Example Matthew 17:20

Gifts of Healing
(John MacArthur New Testament commentary on 1 Corinthians pg 300) Read

Miraculous Powers
Literally the phrase reads “workings of powers”  (energemata dunameon): power is a broad catergory,
intentionally general, and is often used in the New Testament for “miracles”.  (The Living Word
Commentary  The First Letter of Paul to Corinthians. Editor Everett Ferguson) Example Acts 28:1-6

Prophecy was setting forth God’s message in one’s own language; and as such, speaking under divine
influence.  On occasion there could be predictive elements involved.  Yet, just as those who occupied
the office of prophet in the Old Testament or the New, their word of speaking was not primarily
predictive, but it was instructive as they delivered  the word of God with thus saith the Lord (Solving
Church Problems Tom Friskney) pg 203
Length wise who wrote most of New Testament?
What is the difference between Those who believe in Miraculous prophecy today (direct word of God)
and cults? Is it not an addition to the bible?
Book of Mormon or a divinely given word of God?
2 Parts to Prophecy
Forthtelling-how God’s children obedient to God’s Covenant  Not Miracoulus!
Foretelling –Future Events (Isaiah)
Example  Acts 21:8,9

Distinguishing Spirits
The God Given ability to read a person motivation and intent.  What safety for the work of God.
Acts 5

(Solving Church Problems Tom Friskney) pg 203

Interpretation of Tongues
(Solving Church Problems Tom Friskney) pg 203

When are these gifts given ?  Verse 13
At Baptism-Acts 2:38

How could the Corinthians and most Pagan believers be ignorant?

1.       They could wrongly think that many gifts mean many gods.
The 7 main gods
Zeus-god of the sky/ weather/ justice/ father of gods and humans
Poseidon-god of the sea, land and earthquakes
Apollo-god of light/prophecy/ sun/ music/ poetry/ healing
Ares-god of war/ battle lust, civil order, manly courage
Hermes-god of thieves/ god's messenger/ travel/ hospitality/ diplomacy
Hephaestus-god of fire/forges/ sculpture
Dionysus-god of wine/intoxication/ parties
Hades-god of the underworld
The 5 main goddesses <
Hera-goddess of marriage/ atmosphere
Demeter-goddess of the agriculture/ grain/ bread
Athena-goddess of war/wisdom/ purity
Artemis-goddess of the hunt/ moon
Aphrodite-goddess of love/ beauty
Hestia-goddess of the hearth and home

2.        Each Gift/God Needed to be promoted
Consider how the church had splintered trying to either promote Paul, Cephas, Apollos or Christ.  They
were behaving just like their culture.  Example: Acts 19:24-28 ETC Paul is making the Point only 1 God
is real and He is the only One to be praised!

3.       The Gifts were for the good of every believer.  Paul was saying it is ignorant to compare one
gift for another.  It is ignorant to exalt one gift over another!  It is ignorant to exalt one leader over

Look:  What do we learn about the Holy Spirit from these verses?
1.       A clear communicator
2.       The source for the Churches equipping
3.       The source for the Church unity
4.       The determining force of the Churches gifting

Took:  What are Spiritual Gifts for?  Are they all we are given?

To Build up the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God is God’s rule in the hearts of men and women.  Some need salvation.  Some need encouragement.  Some need obedience ETC

S - SPIRITUAL GIFTS– How can I SHARE through my spiritual gifts?
H – HEART- How can I SHARE through what I have a heart for/motivated by?
A – ABILITIES- How can I SHARE through my abilties/professional
P – PERSONALITY- How can I SHARE through my personality type?
E – EXPERIENCES- How can I SHARE through what I have gone
through in life?

 Holy Spirit 19

1 Corinthians 12 Part A

Verses 1-13

Student’s notes

Who is the subject of these verses? 

What is affirmation in this verses that a gift is from the Holy Spirit?
1.            God is
2.            God is
3.            God is
4.            God is

Where is the Listing of Spiritual Gifts found?  And What are they?  Are they all to be considered miraculous? 
I Corinthians 12:4-11
Message of Wisdom

Message of Knowledge

Gifts of Healing

(John MacArthur New Testament commentary on 1 Corinthians pg 300) Read

Miraculous Powers


(Solving Church Problems Tom Friskney) pg 203

2 Parts to Prophecy
Foretelling –

Distinguishing Spirits

(Solving Church Problems Tom Friskney) pg 203

Interpretation of Tongues
(Solving Church Problems Tom Friskney) pg 203

When are these gifts given ?  Verse 13

How could the Corinthians and most Pagan believers be ignorant?
1.            They could wrongly think that many gifts mean __________________
The 7 main gods

The 5 main goddesses <

2.            Each Gift/God Needed to be

4.       The Gifts were for the good of every __________.

Look:  What do we learn about the Holy Spirit from these verses?
Took:  What are Spiritual Gifts for?  Are they all we are given?
S -
H –
A –
P –

E –                                                                                          (RICK WARREN Saddleback Church)

Holy Spirit 16

1 Corinthians 12

July7 2013


I am convinced that one of the reason 1 and 2 Corinthians is so misunderstood, is an ignorance of the issue of Apostolic authority.  A sub-theme in these books is the Corinthian churches rejection of Paul’s apostolic authority.  Apostles had different qualifications:  Been with Jesus and a witness to the Resurrection this meant only a select few could be an Apostle.  Apostles had different responsibilities: They are called several times in New Testament the foundation of the Church.  They had the responsibility to establish the church and it’s doctrine.  So Apostles had different gifts:  miraculous healing, Divine inspiration and the gift of laying on hands to disciples of Jesus to share in these gifts.  This week’s self-study my desire is you begin to see the uniqueness of the Apostles.

Compare 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 & Ephesians 4:11-13
What are the similarities?
What are the differences?
Why would one emphasize miraculous and the other not so much?

Read 1 Peter 4:1-11
How does living for God and Spiritual Gifts intersect?
What does the Second coming of Christ have to do with how we live now?
Who in verse 11 is the point of all we do, thinks,  and say?

How can we tell if something is from the Holy Spirit or an Unholy spirit?
I John 4:1-3
John 12:13-17
Matthew 7:16-21


According the Hebrews 2:1-4  Why were the miraculous gifts given?


Romans 12:1,2 What is two others ways to discern what is from God and is His will?


Ephesians 1:15-23
What is the purpose of the gift of wisdom and revelation?
What other gifts do we have in Jesus?


Mark 16:17,18  What signs and wonder were to accompany the believers?

Are any of these recorded in Scripture as fulfilled?


Read all of  1 Corinthians 12 and 13 in preparation for next session.

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