Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Daily Dose of God's Word For September 17th

Daily Dose of God's Word For 9-17

My friend Don Cole is 93 and evidence that the old dog, is never too old to learn a new trick.  Visiting him, he told me about how his family took him to the Flying W Ranch church, and how the preacher's sermon was all about blood.  Then Don said; "I did not know the bible taught so much about the blood, and I want to know more.  So, Don, this weeks dose is for you.

Have you ever seen a person who was receiving a blood transfusion? The blood was precious, life-giving, and certainly not repulsive. The blood of Christ may seem to be a grim and repulsive subject . . .[but] the blood of Christ is precious.” ― Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes

Memory Verse: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14

Joshua 2:1-21

This story is a part of the narrative with Rahab the harlot. Because she helped the Israelite spies, they told her she and her family could be spared, so long as they put a scarlet cord out of the window to signify that they are not to be hurt. Oddly enough, even though the Bible can use scarlet, red, or crimson as colors that symbolize sin, it is often the symbol that saves.

Pray  Lord, we weep with those who weep and refuse to be consoled. May our tears mix with yours in a river of justice, flowing down like mighty waters, transforming the world that is into the one that ought to be. Amen.

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