Wednesday, January 16, 2019

God Thoughts January 16

God Thoughts January 16

So growing old to the glory of God means using whatever 

strength, eyesight and hearing, and mobility and resources 

we have left to treasure Christ and in that joy to serve people—

that seeks to bring them with us into the everlasting enjoyment 

of Christ.  Poor health Lessens our resources for God's Glory!  

Remember we have said during this series; "Getting old to the 

glory of God means getting old in a way that makes God look 

glorious. It means living and dying in a way that shows God 

to be the all-satisfying Treasure that he is.  Poor health makes the 

moss grow faster!

Let me give you the 10 biggest health concerns for retirees

Heart Disease

It is a chronic condition that affects 37% of men and 26% of women over the age of 65

What's the answer?  The best weapon you have against heart disease is taking good care of your body. Try to maintain a healthy diet full of good nutrients and vitamins, and be sure to get enough exercise and sleep every day.

B.  Arthritis

arthritis is estimated to affect 49.7% of older adults and is the number one condition people over 65 have to live with.

Preventing arthritis is dependent on a healthy lifestyle with a good diet and no substance abuse but nothing can completely protect you from developing it. Arthritis often leads to pain and a lower quality of life, so it is important to work with a doctor to develop a plan alongside the treatment to keep you healthy. 

C.  Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in older people and affects over ¼ of men and of women over 65.

By maintaining healthy living choices such as a good diet and exercise plan and working with your doctor and health team to come up with good health plans and treatment for you, you can greatly improve your quality of life, even living with cancer.

D. Respiratory diseases

respiratory diseases are the third most common cause of death in older people because there are so many ways people can be affected.

The best way to prevent or deal with respiratory diseases is to get frequent lung function tests so that it is caught early and to take the correct medication. Preserving your health with healthy diets and exercise will have a big impact on your life, and one of the best ways to prevent or handle a respiratory disease is to quit smoking.

E. Alzheimer’s Disease

One in nine people over 65 are known to suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease

Risk factors that lead to Alzheimer’s include depression, diabetes, smoking, hypertension, and substance abuse.

F. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition where your body has a low bone mass. 

Whether you are trying to prevent osteoporosis, or live with it, it is important to maintain a diet rich in calcium and to do exercises that build muscle, like weights.

G. Diabetes

25% of people over 65 live with diabetes.

Diet & Exercise 

H. Influenza and Pneumonia

Over 674,000 adults over 65 are sent to the hospital with pneumonia every year, and 90% of flu and pneumonia-related deaths are adults over 65.

The best prevention for these infections is getting an annual flu shot and talking to your doctor about the pneumonia vaccine to see if it is best for you.

I.  Obesity

Do I need to site a stat?  Young and old struggle with this one.

How can we fix it?

J. Depression

15 to 20% of Americans over the age of 65 have or presently suffer from depression. 

An increase in physical activity is a healthy way to combat depression on top of therapy and/or medication.  Repeat after me   Taking medication is not evidence of a lack of faith!  It is also important to maintain social interaction and get out of the house to boost your sense of happiness.

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