Sunday, December 9, 2018

Evergreen Devotions, December 9, 2018

Shin Dong-Hyuk is the product of Rape.  His mom gave birth to him in a North Korean Prison.  

She was raped by a guard there.  

For the first 23 years of his life, all he knew was confinement in this prison camp.  He states all I 

knew was guards or prisoners.  When he saw anyone outside the prison, I assumed they were  

either prisoners or guards. I thought everyone ate cabbage soup once a day and was forced 

into hard labor.  I thought that was normal for everyone.  Then everything changed  when 

another prisoner was brought in named Park.  Not only had Park been in other prison camps, 

but he also had been in other Asian countries.  At night before they went to bed, he would tell 

Shin about life in other countries.  He would describe house, cars, and buildings.  What traffic 

and the food was like.  Park, was describing peace and freedom.  Shin could not get his head 

wrapped around these concepts, because his whole life was confined to this camp.  

Eventually, he began to believe this guy was telling the truth.  And made the fateful decision, I 

want to experience these things.  So Park and Shin set a plan into motion to escape.  During 

the escape Park grabbed ahold of a high voltage fence and lost his life.  As God would have it 

Park's body fell on the wires creating a bridge for Shin to crawl over to safety.   

And now after 23 years he is free and at peace.  He lives in South Korea and has been adopted 

by a church and has a relationship with Jesus.

I hope you understand the Christmas story.  Jesus came as a baby so he could die like a man.  

He laid down his life for us so we could experience something bigger and better and beyond 

this little-confined place we call life here on earth.  

The second week of Advent focuses on the anticipation of the peace and freedom Jesus 

brings.  Do you remember how the angels praised God in Bethlehem? Glory to God in highest 

heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Luke 2:14  As those who 

have begun to experience the peace and freedom of God, are to be a bridge for others to crawl 

over.  Who in your world, needs Jesus, this Christmas?

Shin Dong-Hyuk in his own words.

Shin's story is taken from a Southland Christian Church sermon series entitled Evergreen by Jon Weece.

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