Monday, December 26, 2016

Finding the Messiah in Leviticus December 26

Finding the Messiah in Leviticus December 26
Leviticus 25:39-55

God said that neglecting the poor was a sin. Permanent poverty was not allowed in Israel. Financially secure families were responsible to help and house those in need. Many times we do nothing, not because we lack compassion, but because we are overwhelmed by the size of the problem and don’t know where to begin. God doesn’t expect you to eliminate poverty, nor does he expect you to neglect your family while providing for others. He does, however, expect that when you see an individual in need, you will reach out with whatever help you can offer, including hospitality.

Remember in the coming year, you can not do everything-but you must do something. Secure your family. Offer a bed to those  who need a place to rest. The solution is not large acts, but small acts done with great love!

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