“Have you ever considered what Adam and Eve were doing when
they got into so much trouble? As I read the story, they were shopping. The
forbidden fruit was not scattered throughout the garden, not in many places,
not in multiple locations, but one place, one site, one location and one
location only. Perhaps they just came upon it, “Oh, look, the forbidden fruit…”
or, perhaps, they were looking for something, searching, shopping. Somewhere in
their dissatisfaction they thought, “If only we had something more…” ― David W.
Jones, Enough
For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the
dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will
be made alive. 23 But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he
comes, those who belong to him. 1 Corinthians 15:21-23
Adam & Eve By Kasey Chambers &
Shane Nicholson
My name is Adam, my name is Eve
I was the first man to live and breathe
God made the ocean, He made it blue
He told us "Don't eat forbidden fruit"
Oh, He can see us, hear what we say
But He was resting on that seventh day
She met a serpent that afternoon
He smiled at her and she broke the rule
Come on, we're leaving, no time to waste
The Garden of Eden's no longer safe
Throw down that apple, that ship has sailed
We're on the run with God on our tail
I can remember, I do recall
There were no weeds here, no thorns at all
I was misguided, I was mislead
I asked for good but got evil instead
Come on, we're leaving, no time to waste
The Garden of Eden's no longer safe
Throw down that apple, that ship has sailed
We're on the run with God on our tail
Throw down that apple, that ship has sailed
We're on the run with God on our tail
My name is Adam, my name is Eve
I was the first man to live and breathe
Sentence Prayer
Believe what Jesus says, God is generous; and God is good.
(New Zealand Prayer Book Pg 110)
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