Saturday, February 23, 2013

Holy Spirit Self Study Guide 6


Read Matthew 12:22-37
What were the Pharisees accusing Jesus of doing?

Why might verse 37 be the key to this passage?


Read Matthew 12:22-37

According to Verse 32 what is the unforgivable sin?

According to verse 37 why might this be the unforgivable sin?


Find a couple of dictionary’s preferable bible dictionary’s and define  what is blasphemy?
How is Blasphemy used in the New Testament?
Matthew 12:32                                 Mark 15:29                                         2 Peter 2:2

Jude 10

Why would speaking against Jesus our Lord and Savior,  be giving offense to Holy Spirit?  Who anointJesus and His ministry (Matthew 3:16)


Read Mark 3:20-30
What is similar to Matthew 12 Passage
What is the difference?

From our current study what do you feel the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is?


Read Luke 12:1-10
What is similar to Matthew 12 & Mark 3 Passages

What is Different?


Find the Notes in the Life Applications bible For Luke 12:10, Matthew 12:10 And  3:22-27 reading it


A couple of good online articles available are:

2.       John Macarthur’s analysis


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