Saturday, January 1, 2011



    Perhaps there is something restorative about a new years walk, something hopeful in unread visions and new days, precisely because there is a coming New Day.  Perhaps the hope promised in new mornings, the assurance of new mercies and new beginnings, is only a hint of the promise of a certain redemption, a new earth.  In this higher dream, God is the dreamer, redeeming worlds, redeeming time; God's redemption is the great love that prevents us from being consumed.   Unread Visions by Jill Carattini Daily Slice Friday December 31


This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.

It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD

Lamentations 3:21-26 NKJV



Verge of a Miracle

Rich Mullins

Clung to a ball
That was hung in the sky
Hurled into orbit
There You are
Whether you fall down
Or whether you fly
Seems you can never get too far
Someone's waiting to put wings
Upon your flightless heart

You're on the verge of a miracle
Standing there
Oh you're on the verge of a miracle
Just waiting to be believed in
Open your eyes and see
You're on the verge of a miracle

Here in your room
Where nobody can see
Voices are loud
But seldom clear
But beneath the confusion
That's running so deep
There is a promise you must hear
The love that seems so far away
Is standing very near

You're on the verge of a miracle
Standing there
Oh you're on the verge of a miracle
Just waiting to be believed in
Open your eyes and see

When you've played out
Your last chance
And your directions
Have all been lost
When the roads that you look down
Are all dead ends
Look up
You could see if you'd just look up

You're on the verge of a miracle
Standing there
Oh you're on the verge of a miracle
Just waiting to be believed in
Open your eyes and see
You're on the verge of a miracle


Sentence Prayer


Lord our God,

Amid the uncertainties of our human life,

May we pause and draw strength from you,

Trusting in your faithful love.

  • We ask this through Jesus, you Son,your Lord
  • Amen
  • A Celtic Primer Pg 67

    A.dore Spend five minutes and Praise God for all the ways he is your portion, Your Protector and Your sustainer.


    C.onfess Ask God to forgive you for all the times in uncertainty you have doubted His mercy and goodness


    T.hanks Thank Him for all the ways miracles of this past year.


    S.upplication What is the Miracle you need in life? Spend some time sharing with God why this is important to you.

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